she fucked her nigga lover

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As we all know Lacey loves cock and will take it anyway she can get it, in her mouth, her pussy an ass. Because of that she had been fucking her boss at the bar she worked at for about 3 months now. It had been a secret that they thought was between them but as with all work places people gossip and secrets are never kept very well. But one day the secret got out to her boss's wife and this is what happened...

Lacey had been on the late shift that night and was the last one out. She was just about to leave and lock up when her boss's wife, Elaine, came crashing through the doors. She looked extremely angry and Lacey instantly knew that she had found out.

'You fucking whore!' She screamed.

'Elaine... I can explain.' 

'You fucking whore, ' she repeated. 'You could have anyone you wanted yet you picked my husband.' 

She pushed Lacey against the nearest wall which suddenly got Lacey mad.

'No your husband chased ME he told me that you were too vanilla for him and weren't satisfying his needs. Maybe if you just sucked his big fat juicy cock once in a while you wouldn't be here yelling at me.'

Before Lacey knew what had happened she felt Elaine's hand slap her face hard.

'You bitch!' She seethed. She shoved Lacey back against the wall and held her there by her shoulders.

God she is strong! Thought Lacey.

'I will show you who is too vanilla, stupid slut.' Hissed Elaine in Lacey's ear. 'We used to have amazing sex until he opened this god forsaking bar. It was always so exciting.'

'Yeh right.' Lacey laughed. 'If that was the case then why has he been fucking so many of his staff? You couldn't handle how he likes it. You're too prim and proper for his sexual needs. You have no fucking idea what he likes, you're a pathetic dried up passed it lonely middle aged women.'

Lacey tried to push Elaine off her and move from the wall but as she said that a new flash of anger crossed Elaine's face. He eyes turned dark and the way she looked at Lacey made her fall back onto the wall and a little scared of what might happen.

'Too prim and proper? I bet he hasn't even done half the stuff we used to do, with you. He likes it rough you know. Did he ever do this with you?' She grabbed Lacey's left breast and pushed it up and squeezed it hard, making Lacey gasp, from the shock and the pleasure. 'Well did he?'

'No... no not that rough.' Lacey stammered.

'How about this?' Elaine suddenly let go of Lacey's G cup breasts letting them bounce and grabbed her cunt palming it hard, again making Lacey moan.

'Elaine, please stop this, I am sorry. I will stop seeing him. Just please stop this.'

'It's too late you little slut. You need to be taught a lesson for what you called me.' She slapped Lacey hard again, this time with enough force to knock her sideways and down onto the floor. 

As she tried to get up Elaine pushed her back down so that she was sat on the floor facing her hairy pussy. What, when did she take her skirt off? What the fuck does she want me to do? Lacey was a bit shocked at what she was facing. She thought Elaine was going to rough her up a bit until she agreed to leave the bar. Elaine looked at Lacey's paling shocked face and laughed.

She straddled Lacey's face and drove her pussy into her face. Lacey offered a muffled cry protesting against it but it was no use . Elaine began to grind her pussy against her pale face. Elaine wasn't gay and never even experimented with another woman, but Lacey just got her so mad and fired up she was determined to prove that she was not this dried up prude her husband tells everyone she is. But being able to dominate this gorgeous young slut who was fucking her husband drove her wild. She began to fuck Lacey's face, driving her pussy into her mouth. 

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