Slut me out

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was a warm June evening in 1967, and warmer still in the small Harlem apartment, much of which was beneath ground.

Dorothy, not yet twenty-one, was fully nude, her peach skin illuminated by the outdoor light streaming in beneath the door. Her mess of black hair was in a bun, as she rested on the old, vague lump of a couch, beside her friend Carol and their shared Cannabis clouds.

Carol, for her part, had a long bouffant of chocolate hair and a single black ribbon at its back. She had champagne skin, and dark eyes surrounded with smudges of black from her previously perfect cut-crease. She wore only a pair of white cotton panties. A young war-torn widow who'd found love, and engagement, again.

"I've never been so proud to be American before. Why would I have?" Carol laughed, rolling another joint. "But here and now? Nine to none? I'm proud. I'm proud and I'm damn grateful."

"Right on!"

"I'm just... I'm so happy, Dor. I can't believe Thomas and I can finally get married and have it recognized everywhere in the country!"

"I know! And you'll be the prettiest bride, too."

"Aww, Dorothy. What about Betty-Ann?"

"We'll see."

Carol giggled and teared up little by little, sniffling and almost choking from it.

"I knew I'd see the day, you know? I really did. But it also feels surreal."

"Sometimes, the court really is supreme."

The two chuckled.

"Goodness, Dorothy. Can you imagine it? Someday, I'll be showing wedding pictures to my grandkids, and I'll say that I was there when the country decided that our love is a right. I was there, dreaming right along with Doctor King. And you know what? We won. Because people really are good."

"And they'll say 'Doctor King? The president?'"

Carol cackled till a neighbor was pissed enough to beat a broom to the floor above them, which didn't take long.

She sat up and gave a toss to her long, chocolate locks. "You know what? When Thomas gets home, I'm going to give him one bitchin' blow job."

"Am I to leave for that?"

"If you want to... but I'm sure he'd love it if you stayed." Carol laughed, but Dorothy grew a little twinkle in her own dark eyes.

"What about you? How'd you feel if I stayed?"

Carol cast a Devilish grin for a moment. "I wouldn't mind at all... Would you like to stay?"

"If you and Thomas really wouldn't mind it... I'd love to stay."

Perhaps even God approved, as it was that exact moment where Thomas walked into the small home, dressed in casual wear, deep mahogany-skinned and black-haired with a neat beard.

"Hey hone--oh!"

He shielded his eyes at the nudity, however characteristic of the twenty-year-old it certainly was.

"Sorry, Dorothy. I didn't know you were here."

"Actually..." Carol started, "well, I'll tell you in a bit. Take a shower first, you hot, sweaty beast."

He laughed and did just that, and in record time, too, coming out in a large dark towel.

Carol gave a smile at the sight of him, his black chest hair detailing his chiseled form.

"Oh, Thomas..." she gave a sweet sigh, "Dorothy and I'll give you a blow job, if you're up for it."

The towel dropped and he hurried to the sofa.

"Do you really want that, Dors?"

Carol tossed a condom to Dorothy, who subsequently ripped it open as she kept eye contact with the man.

"Give me that dick, Tom."

The two slid the condom on his then-small cock, which Dorothy quickly wrapped her mouth around.

She circled her tongue over the head and Carol slid her own around the shaft, coaxing and soaking it into stone.

Carol gave small licks and kisses to his hefty balls before playfully biting upon them.

He moaned out and caressed the hair of both women.

Carol tongue-flicked his perineum before heading further back and quickly unwrapped a nearby dental dam, which she pressed against his anus.

"Hey Dor..." she giggled and gestured a come-hither.

Thomas was wide-eyed with a sharp pearl smile, very still.

Dorothy used one of his legs to swing around and buried her face in his ass.

She tongued, kissed, and bit his cheeks, drenching him in her spit as Carol wasted no time in just about consuming his cock.

Dorothy continued to hold the dental dam against him as she tongued the tight hole.

His cheeks tightened against her face. He pulsated against her, and his sex twitched in Carol's soft mouth.

Carol relaxed a gag in her throat as she held him completely inside, gazing directly into his eyes.

He couldn't take it. He couldn't take it anymore.

Thomas bellowed a moan, returned to silence 

Tbh vote if u want more just dont cum yet without my permission 

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