married with children

515 3 0

In seconds, Kelly collapses on the couch, unconscious.

Richard's pharmaceutical company has his R & D department to thank for a new product that they have developed. It is especially geared toward mental institutions and prisons.

It is an inhalant capsule that will render a patient or prisoner unconscious for about ten minutes.

This allows them the time to restrain the person and move them to an area where they won't be a danger to others and themselves.

Richard picks up Kelly's limp and naked body from the couch. He carries her over to a low back leather chair.

He then places her backwards in the chair with her knees and lower legs on the chair seat and hangs her arms over the back; resting her chest and shoulders on the back.

He then takes cotton ropes and ties her legs, behind the knees, to the seat of the chair.

He also ties each of her ankles to the front legs of the chair. Finally, he ties her draped arms to the rear legs of the chair.

Richard then gets a turkey baster, fills it with lubricant, and inserts it up Kelly's ass. Though unconscious, she lets out soft moans as it penetrates her.

Fully inserted, he slowly withdraws the baster while squeezing the bulb, to release all the lubricant inside her anal cavity.

A few minutes later, Kelly begins to regain consciousness.

"Ohhhh, what the hell? Where am I? What the fuck is this?" she mumbles.

She realizes her confinement and begins to struggle. She starts rocking the chair and looks up to see Richard.

"What the hell is going on here, Mr. Baker?" she yells.

"What happened to calling me Dick?" he questions.

"You're the dick, that's what. Let me loose from here; and I mean NOW," Kelly demands.

"I would like to Kelly but it seems that you don't want to pay off on your bet," he tells her.

Still struggling Kelly yells, "I paid off on my bet. I let you fuck me. What else do you want?"

Richard calmly tells her, "Fucking your ass, that's what you still own me."

Kelly yells again, "I never said I would do that. Now untie these ropes. If you don't, I will call the cops on you. This is kidnapping and rape. You'll go to jail for this."

"No one is going to jail," he calmly tells her.

"You should always read the contract before you signed it. Our contract clearly states that should you lose the bet then the winner, that's me, shall be awarded the following."

"The loser, that's you, shall submit herself to vaginal AND anal intercourse by the winner, that's me."

"Should the loser, that's you, refuse to honor the contract; then the following shall apply."

"The winner, that's me, shall have the right to collect the winnings through any means possible; including bondage and by force. Look here, your signature is right at the bottom."

Kelly is now at a loss for words.

She then observes Richard opening up a jar, of what appears to be cream. He scoops a decent amount into his hand and begins to rub it all over his limp cock.

"Oh great, now I have to watch you jerk off too," complains Kelly.

"No my dear," he tells her. "This is another wonderful product that my company has developed. It's an erection cream. It's guaranteed to keep a man's cock rock hard for twenty minutes."

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