ruby and jas

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It was dark, everything smelt hot and sticky. The music pounded and I could feel the rhythm in my veins. My back was soaked, my tee clinging to my shoulders. She stood a few people away her eyes drooped her lips parted as she and another woman grinded against each other. I licked my lips and ran my hand through my hair heading for her. She saw me coming and smiled abandoning her current dance partner and approaching me. I stood only an inch or two above her, our legs interlocking. My arm secured her waist against mine, our crotches grinding against our thighs. She craned her neck, her sweaty hair dangling to her ass as I buried my face in her neck. I could feel her vibrating in ecstasy. My free hand ran up her thigh, feeling her sleek skin. I let my fingers push up under her tiny skirt and when they touched the cup of her ass I groaned realizing she had either a thong on, or absolutely nothing. I started humping her leg my hand drifting up further, curious now. I got to the top of her ass, curving with her globe, feeling a lace string under my fingertips. I shuddered and bit her earlobe growling in excitement. My body was hot all over, I could feel myself getting hot.

"You like what you feel?" she purred into my ear and I could only moan as her tongue traced my cartilage. Her hand ran up my arm and she sighed her body curving to mine. I had her, she was mine. She was giving herself to me. I sucked on her neck, letting my tongue tease her veins and she shuddered.

"I'm fantastic with my tongue," I murmured huskily and she shuddered again. "Want to get out of here?" I offered my fingers slipping up under her thong strap and tracing along her skin. She shuddered and her eyes locked onto mine. They were smoldering. I bit my lip and groaned; her eyes were so beautiful. She was so exotic! I had to have her. I pulled my body away from her, my hand clasping hers. We hurried off the floor walking outside. I glanced at her with hunger, seeing her nipples clutch to her dress in the crisp night air. She shivered and I waved a cab down.

"Where to?" a burly man asked and I smiled handing him a $50 giving him my address. He nodded and drove off as we settled into the backseat. She was curled up into me and I put my lips to her ear letting my fingertips trail along her inner thigh, stroking up and down, barely making it under her dress.

"Are you used to being dominated?" I whispered huskily and she shuddered shaking her head no. I smiled taking a nip at her ear. "Well prepare yourself, mamacita, because you are a wild animal about to be tamed," I crooned letting my tongue and teeth make play at her ear and neck. She gasped and moaned letting her body relax. "What's your name, beautiful?" I purred.

"Jasmine," she moaned as my hand slipped down into the top of her dress barely teasing her collar bone with my palm my fingertips dancing along the curve of her breast. I nibbled on her neck, sucking lightly as I ran my lips to her shoulder.

"Jasmine," I moaned trying my hardest not to claim her here in this disgusting cab. She trembled and I pressed myself up against her my hand now massaging her thigh as my fingers slipped lower into her dress. "You can call me Ruby," I murmured into her skin. She nodded and I sighed content as we finally pulled over to my townhouse. I got out and took her hand, helping her up onto the sidewalk. I led her to my door, unlocked it then followed her in.

"This place is beautiful," she mused as I flicked the light on. I gasped and bit my lip leaning back on the wall. Her body was so beautiful. I felt my eyes start at her feet, tracing along her calves up her luscious thighs taking in her beautiful curves. I groaned as I noticed how perky her breasts were. Her skin was golden brown, her hair copper, her eyes an emerald green. I started unbuttoning my shirt and she looked back at me.

"You okay Ruby?" she whispered and I nodded pushing off the wall, dropping my shirt to the floor.

"You're just so hot," I growled picking her up by the waist, burying my face into her bosom. She gasped and giggled as I inhaled the delicious vanilla scent of her. I carried her upstairs to my bedroom my hands massaging her bulbous ass the whole way. She was running her fingers through my hair, scratching happily along the shaved edges and tugging at my hair on top. I got her into my room and tossed her onto my bed. She propped herself up on her elbows and I smiled kneeling at her feet, unfastening her heels. She was so soft. "You have the most amazing skin, Jasmine," I crooned dropping her shoe on the floor, massaging her now bare foot. She moaned feeling my thumbs work magic on her heel. Falling back, I watched her chest rise and fall as I treated her. I smiled and flicked her toe with my tongue and she twitched but didn't pull away. I took her toe into my mouth and sucked on it gently and she gasped trembling. I then moved to her little toes letting my tongue tease around and in between them. She was shaking all over as I kneaded her foot and teased her toes with my tongue. "You like this?" I smiled deviously at her and all she could do was moan. I moved my hands further up to her calves, tenderly rubbing her tension out of her body. My lips followed, my tongue playing with her nerves. I worked all the way up her thigh stopping just short of her pussy, saving that moment for later. I could feel how hot she was though. I could even smell her excitement. I started throbbing at the thought of tasting her sweet nectar. It smelt delicious.

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