Me and my bestie

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It was mid summer and Jennifer and Tiffany had been swimming in Jennifer's pool almost every day. They were enjoying their summer vacation after each of them had graduated high school. Jen's parents were never home during the day. Her dad was a hospital executive and worked long hours and her mother was a Bank Manager so she was gone on weekdays until 6 or 7 in the evening. The girls definitely enjoyed having the run of the large house. Her parents had the pool built over the spring, complete with a nice Jacuzzi and a 10 foot diving board. Jennifer figured that since she had just turned 18 it would be her last year living at home. She had decided that she was going to enjoy the pool this summer and Tiffany was usually wherever Jennifer was.

Jennifer sat back on a large lawn chair next to the pool. She had been best friends with Tiff since the 5th grade. She watched as Tiffany headed to the diving board wearing a red and white striped bikini that Jen had helped her pick out. Tiff had just turned 18 a couple of weeks before. She had very pale white fair skin and natural shoulder length red hair. She was 5'8 and was a skinny little 110 lbs. She had long skinny legs that ran up to her tiny little bottom that Jen had always thought looked cute with her thin frame. Her tiny bathing suit top easily held in her perky 32 B's.

Jen was built completely different from Tiff. She was only 5'0 and weighed around 120. Her mother was Puerto Rican and her father was Italian so she had a dark complexion which was even darker with her tan. She had brown hair with blondish highlights running through it that went to the middle of her back. Her bright yellow bikini barely covered her ample 36d breasts which had grown a full cup size over the last year. She had much shorter legs then Tiff. They led up to nice round bottom that always had the guys staring.

Jen had recently developed a bit of a crush on Tiff. They had been friends for years and she was sure Tiff didn't know about it. Jen had always told herself that she wasn't gay or bi, but recently she had started to wonder. As the two of them had gotten older Jen had started admiring other women's bodies almost as much a nice hunky guy. She had never acted upon her new found obsession, but she had been thinking more and more that she would like to find out what it would be like to be with another woman. She wasn't sure if it was the closeness to Tiff or what, but she did know that she really loved Tiffs skinny little body. If she was going to act on her fantasies she sure wished that it would be Tiff she experimented with.

Now she watched her friend climbing the diving board. Her pale skin gleaming in the sunlight, she looked so perfect to Jen as she walked to the edge of the board. Jen couldn't help but imagine Tiff out of her suit. She had seen her naked many times over the years while changing clothes. Now Jen was imagining her friend's perky little breasts and wishing she could take those tiny little nipples and suck on them. She sighed as Tiff dived into the water with very little splash. Perfect form, she thought to herself.

After Jen finished baking herself in the sun and lusting after her friend they both went inside. Jen followed Tiff up the stairs and then into her bedroom, checking out the view of Tiff's cute little butt wiggling back and forth in front of her on the way.

"Can you untie this stupid thing?" Tiff asked Jen as she tried to reach for the knot in the middle of her back. Jen was more then happy to oblige. She walked up and gave a little tug on the knot as Tiff pulled the bikini top up over her head. Jen felt herself getting goose bumps as Tiff turned around. She was staring intently at Tiff's perky little breasts and for some reason she wasn't hiding it. She was just looking straight at them. "I sure wish I had a tight little skinny body like yours." Jen said.

Tiff had a look of shock on her face as she pulled off her bikini bottoms and exposed her closely trimmed bright red landing strip. "What the hell are you talking about? All the guys drool over your big tits and round ass. I wish I had half of what you have Jen. Don't be ridiculous."

Jen knew Tiff was right. Guys tended to flirt with her more then Tiff, but she wasn't a guy and all she knew was that she was very attracted to Tiffs tight little body. She wasn't attracted to any women that were built like herself. "Well I still think you have a much hotter body then me, but that is just my opinion. Hell, I check you out more then I check out guys lately." The comment seemed innocent enough to Jennifer, but she wondered what kind of reaction she would get.

Tiff didn't really know how to respond to the compliment. Jen had never told her that she was jealous of her body. She definitely hadn't known that Jen was checking her out. "What do you mean by that?"

Jennifer looked her naked friend up and down. "I mean what I said Tiff. I'm really not sure why, but I have found you irresistible to look at lately. I've never considered myself as gay, but if you were gay I would definitely consider changing teams for you."

Tiffany didn't know what to say. Jen had never even given her a hint that she thought like this. Tiffany was a bit different from Jen though. She knew that she had been drooling over her best friend's buxom body for a few years now. She had fantasized about Jennifer so many times while playing with herself late at night in her bed. She always wanted to tell her friend how she felt and what she thought about, but always thought that she would get laughed out of the room. "Jennifer Ann Stephens, are you messing with me?"

Jen looked up at her friend with as serious a look as she could muster. "Why would I lie about it?"

Tiffany stood there naked and blushing. "Well I have wanted to tell you that I felt that way about you for years. So you better not be messing with me."

"I'm 100 percent serious Tiff. What do you mean you felt that way?"

They both stood there for a second. Both of their minds were racing about the things that had come out in the open. Tiff was the one who broke the silence. "Well, I'm going to go take a shower. If you are serious then I will expect you to join me in a few minutes. If you don't then we will forget this conversation took place. Do we have a deal?"

Jennifer couldn't believe that Tiff had just gone to the next step. The offer was now on the table. "Yes, we have a deal." She responded nervously. Tiff walked past her and into the hallway. Jennifer just stood there in shock as she heard the bathroom door close. She turned to the mirror and looked herself in the face and started talking to herself out loud. "Well Jen, this is what you have been fantasizing about. She is there for the taking. Are you going to go through with it?" She kept looking at herself as she pulled off her bikini bottoms exposing her shaved bare snatch that was outlined by the lighter skin from where her bikini bottoms had been. She then removed her top exposing her large breasts which were also outlined with tan lines. "Okay, here we go." she said as she turned and started toward the bathroom.

Jennifer could not believe how nervous she was. Her palms were sweaty as she reached for the door knob to open the bathroom. The shower was running and Jen could see in the mirror to her left that Tiff was in the shower washing her hair. The clear glass door offered her a perfect view of the suds running down over Tiff's beautiful body. "Well get your sexy ass in here." Tiff said as she continued lathering her red hair. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jen asked in a shaky voice. Tiff held her hair under the water as the soap rinsed out and down over her wonderful little breasts. She reached out and pushed the door open for Jen.

Jen entered the shower hesitantly as Tiff finished rinsing her hair. When she was done she opened her eyes and moved out of the stream of water. She reached out and gently took Jennifer's hand and led her under the flow as the water ran through her best friend's hair and over her full figured frame. Tiff was thrilled that it had finally come to this. Jennifer's eyes were closed as Tiff leaned over and slowly pressed her lips to Jen's. Tiff was pleasantly surprised when Jen pressed back and they began kissing passionately.

Tiffany's hands began exploring her friend's body as they kissed. She slid her hands down Jen's arms at first, ending with holding her hands gently and letting go at the tip of her fingers. She placed her hands on Jennifer's hips gently moving then up and down from her hips to her waist and then back down.

Jennifer was getting very excited. She had never kissed a girl before and Tiffany's lips tasted great. She decided to up the ante a bit and slowly let her tongue out as she parted Tiff's lips. Tiffany was more then happy to respond in kind as their tongues met and began dancing back and forth from one mouth to the other. Both of the friends were enjoying the kiss more then any other they had ever experienced.

Jen moved out of the stream of water and leaned back against the linoleum shower wall as Tiffs hands grew braver and braver. She slid her hands up Jennifer's waist and then moved them more inside as she took Jen's large breasts in her hands and began massaging them gently. Jen let out a soft moan as they continued their amazing kiss. The feeling of Tiffany's tiny hands softly massaging her breasts sent a fire through Jen's body that she could never have described in words.

Tiffany didn't want to break the spell of the kiss, but she knew she wanted more. She wanted to taste every bit of her beautiful friend. She pulled away from Jennifer slowly and began slowly working downward. She gave soft kisses on Jen's chin and then to her neck. Jennifer turned her head to one side as Tiffany softly kissed and licked her neck and worked her way downward slowly. She pushed up on both of Jennifer's full breasts as she licked her way down the left one and then back to the right. She was careful not to touch Jennifer's nipples with her fingers or her tongue. She could tell it was driving her friend crazy as Jen was trying to move her body to get her nipple closer to Tiff's hungry mouth. Tiff continued to tease Jennifer as she massaged under her breasts and licked all over them as she watched Jennifer's nipples swelling with need.

She then pushed Jennifer's breasts together firmly and took her left nipple into her mouth and began sucking, licking and softly nibbling. Jen gasped as Tiff started working on her nipple. It was more swollen and sensitive then she could ever remember. She leaned her head back against the wall and moaned softly as she reached for Tiffany's head and ran her fingers through her red hair. Tiffany stopped and switched to the other nipple taking it in her mouth and working it over more aggressively then the first. She was squeezing Jen's ample breasts in both hands as she began working from one swollen nipple to the other. Jen was moaning softly and squirming as her friend sucked on her tits like an expert who had done it a million times. Tiffany was in heaven. She could have played with Jennifer's wonderful rack and sucked on her engorged nipples forever.

Tiff then released one of Jen's breasts and slid her hand down her stomach. Jennifer spread her feet apart quickly so that Tiff would have full access. Tiff's hand the reached the mound above Jen's clit and grabbed a hold of the fleshy area in her hand. She continued nibbling on Jen's breast as her middle finger found Jen's swollen clit. Jennifer moaned out loud as Tiff grabbed a hold of her mound between her legs and started squeezing and massaging it in her hand. Jennifer's pussy was on fire. She was dripping wet and hungry for the orgasm that she knew was building. "Fuck me with your fingers Tiff. Please!"

Tiffany didn't have to be asked twice. She let go of Jennifer's mound and quickly pushed her index finger inside Jen's hot hole. Jen bucked her hips forward and moaned loudly as Tiff began sliding her finger in and out of her pussy slowly. She then leaned forward and started flicking her tongue quickly across Jen's swollen clit.

Jen lost it. She grabbed Tiff by the hair and pulled her head roughly between her legs. Her knees felt like they were about to buckle as her body erupted into an immediate orgasm.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Oooooooooooooooh!"

Tiffany didn't let up as she knew Jen was about to cum. She quickly thrust another finger up her hole as Jen moaned and bucked against her face. She was a bit surprised when Jen started squirting. It was the hottest thing ever to her as Jen held her by her hair and cum squirted all over her chin and ran down her body. Tiff still didn't stop as she thrust her fingers harder and deeper into her best friends dripping cum hole. Jen was cumming so hard. Her legs felt like they were going to give out. She had no control of her body.

Jen had to stop it before she collapsed. She pulled Tiffs head away and stared down at her friend. She had never squirted before and she couldn't believe how spent she felt and how much she had unloaded all over Tiffs face. Tiff looked back up at her with lust and passion in her eyes. She pulled her fingers out of Jennifer's pussy and stood up, kissing Jennifer firmly so that Jennifer would get a good taste of her own cum. She stopped kissing and opened the door and exited the shower, grabbing Jennifer's arm and pulling her behind her. "Oh my god Tiff that was amazing." Jennifer said as they walked out of the bathroom and down the hall. "Now it's my turn." Tiff responded with a grin.

They entered Jennifer's bedroom, both of them still dripping wet from the shower. Jennifer couldn't have felt any better then she did at that moment. Tiffany pulled Jen along behind her as she climbed onto the bed. She lay back on Jen's bed and pulled Jen down on top of her. Tiff thought to herself just how good Jen's wet body felt on top of her. Again they kissed hot and passionately, tongues twisting in and out of each others mouth. Jen pulled away and slid down Tiff's body a bit. She licked around Tiff's right nipple before taking it in her mouth and sucking on it hard. She pinched the other nipple between her thumb and finger, giving it a twist as she worked the one in her mouth. It only took a second for both of Tiff's perky little nipples to be pointing straight up in the air. Jen kissed her way quickly down Tiff's stomach and then reached her shaved patch of red hair. She ran her finger nails through Tiff's bush softly as Tiff flinched. "That tickles Jen." Tiff said in a slight bit of protest.

"Does this?" Jen replied and she pushed Tiff's legs apart. Jennifer then dove in licking Tiffany's clit quickly and sucking it into her mouth. Tiffany's hands went to her sides with her palms flat on the bed as her body tensed with the instant stimulation of her clit.

Jen couldn't believe how good her friend tasted. She licked up and down, darting her tongue across Tiff's throbbing clit. Tiffany began moaning and bucking her hips up and down, trying to grind against Jen's face. Jennifer moved her tongue downward. She grabbed Tiff by the hips and stuck her tongue up Tiffany's hot tunnel. She tried to get her tongue inside Tiffany's soaked pussy as far as she possibly could. Her best friend pushed back, trying to get as much tongue as she could. Jennifer then reached a hand up and began rubbing Tiffs clit hard and fast with her thumb as she began tongue fucking her in and out as fast as she could. Tiffany's body trembled and Jen could feel her friend's pussy trying to grab at her tongue as she licked inside her.

Tiff then grabbed Jen by her hair. Tiffany could not do anything but tremble and let out soft moans that came out more like shivers as she began to orgasm. Jen had not expected the reaction as Tiff came hard. Her body trembled and quivered rapidly. Jen could feel her almost vibrating against her face as Tiff moaned in her soft shaky voice. The taste of her cum was wonderful to Jen as she licked and sucked up every bit that she could.

Tiffany then let go of Jen's hair and laid back, trying to catch her breath. "Damn girl, I've never cum so hard, you really know how to eat a pussy don't you?" Tiff said with a giggle. "Well I've never squirted before so you must not be to bad yourself." Jennifer responded with a coy smile as she slid back up on the bed beside not only her best friend in the whole world, but the best lover she had ever experienced. She wondered what might be the next step. All she knew was that she definitely would want to do this again. She just hoped that Tiff felt the same way. She snuggled up to Tiff and gave her a soft kiss. They laid there together for a while snuggling, each enjoying the feeling of the others naked body pressed up against their own.

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