married with children

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How's that baby? You doing OK?" he asks.

"Oh Dick," she moans. "Don't talk, just fuck. Oh God, just fuck me."

He wastes no time in seeing how much Kelly can take.

The two of them become a fucking frenzy as Kelly is whipping her head around in total ecstasy and Richard is driving homeward bound.

He eventually is slapping his pelvis against her firm buttocks and pumping for all his might.

Kelly has totally lost it now. Her body is shaking violently and she's screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Oh God, Oh God, Sweet Jesus in Heaven. Hold on Lord because I'm cumming home."

Richard does everything that he can to hold on to her flaying body. Kelly grips the back of the couch and is rocking it on its legs, while climaxing.

Richard finally reaches his peak, as well, and blows huge spurts of cum up her pussy; as he continues to pound his cock in and out of her.

The two exhausted sex mates collapse on the couch. Richard is lying on top of Kelly's tired body.

"I have never, and I mean never; been fucked like that," whimpers Kelly.

"You give a whole new meaning to 'how far can you go'. I have never met a guy with a cock like yours. I'd really like to stay longer but I've got people to meet tonight."

"Let me catch my breath, and then I've got to go."

Richard, also breathing hard, tells her, "You can't leave yet. We're not done. I've got one more hole to go."

With that, Richard sticks his finger up Kelly's ass.

"What the fuck are you talking about," Kelly panics.

"I never agreed to that. There's no way that you're sticking that log in my butt."

Kelly tries to get out from underneath him but he has her trapped. She struggles, but is getting nowhere. Richard is forcefully holding her down.

"LET ME GO!!" she screams.

While she is thrashing around, Richard manages to open a jar on the adjacent table. He reaches in and pulls out an inhalant capsule.

Holding her down even tighter on the couch, he gets his hands in front of her face and breaks the capsule right under her nose.

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