sex story time be pt one

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Dizziness releases you from her spell as you come to. Your eyelids flutter, as if waking from a usual night's rest. But yet before obtaining your bearings, you can tell that something is amiss. You see nil, mere pitch-blackness. It seems something is covering your eyes. You reflexively attempt to remove it, but this prompts your next revelation.

You cannot move your arms. They meet above your head, at the wrists, where your hands are suspended. You tug to free them but to no avail. Your legs are similarly immobilized, but your feet have been placed and restrained as far apart as will go. You turn your startled gaze in the direction of each, jerking and tugging limbs as you begin to panic. The soft cushioning on your joints and soles tempts your mind to relax, but the alarm of your powerless state overrides any and all comfort. You feel confused, unsettled, perturbed, and most of all, scared. The terrifying reality dawns that anything could be about to happen to you right now. You're helpless to stop it. The fright prods a collection of goosebumps like a wave over your skin. The air chills them. You feel it all over... not the least of which on your breasts and pussy.

Though your genitals react differently, your mind is flooded with a new burst of dread.

Oh my god, you think with petrifaction. I'm naked!

You summon your voice.


You fight your restraints and try to shout, but all that escapes is a small squeak. But you're too frightened to absorb another shock. You continue to squeak out. Your already stunted energy runs low, and you must soon cease to replenish. As you calm and catch your breath, you hear footsteps approach.

You gasp. The breath you've just caught catches in your throat. You choke back saliva and whimper.


A soft hand palms your sternum. You tense up.

"No...please! Don't hurt me!" you plead.

The other hand touches your back. Your whines and whimpers persist. You feel the bearer of the hands lean in close to you.

You want to obey, but you remain scared. You shiver. But thistime...


Your feel your earlobe gingerly kissed. Something compels you to calm down. You hear her voice.

"It's all right, my sweet. I won't hurt you."

The voice's tone and silky texture warms you inside and out. Her reassuring words and velvety murmur settle your nerves. Her hands begin to fondle your nude figure. It feels nice, though you are still a bit startled. And unaware why you're tied up here in place. Further kisses and caresses follow. You flex your muscles, balling your extremities into fists. The heat from her body mingles with your own, slowly raising your temperature. Questions start to pour out of you.

"...Where am I?... What is happening? Who are you? What're you doing to me? Why am I tied up?"

She chuckles beneath her breath. You feel her lips work their way down your cheek and jaw, around to your chin.

"Well now, that leaves 'when' and 'how.'"

She chuckles again, and tends to your inquiries.

"First of all," she coos, as what feels like her nose nuzzles your cheek. "You're in a study."

For the first time, you detect the room's other source of sound and heat: the subtle, soothing crackle in the fireplace.

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