aint nun changed still me

377 4 0

Big mouth I'm 5 ft by my throat 6'9

You like it I love it
Girls who like girls

"Mmm, I don't have to imagine, I can already tell it's going to feel good," Emma said as she rubbed the cock and balls between her wet pussy lips.

"Love the enthusiasm, Emma," Penny quipped. "Everyone, take notice of how Emma is priming her juicy cunt by sliding the dildo up and down her lips."

Penny's use of dirty language was startling, but I found it really hot. I found the switch to my vibrator and turned it on, feeling its steady, buzzing energy in my hand. I still had my panties on, and moved the vibrator down to touch just the tip to my engorged clit. The frenetic buzz sent a jolt of pleasure all the way up into my pussy. I gasped and quickly moved the vibrator away, drawing a few good-natured laughs from the others. The absence of that direct force of pleasure made me notice the ever-increasing heat in my clit and aching deep within my pussy. I went ahead and removed my bra and panties, as it seemed the other pupils were mostly nude already.

I moved the large end of the toy down to my wet opening and teased it around a little. It reminded me of what was typically my favorite part of sexual encounters: when a guy slaps his dick around my pussy a bit before sliding in and pounding away. I always wished that part lasted longer, but could never figure out how to ask. With the vibrator still off, I pushed the bulbous end slightly into my hole and gave it a few shallow thrusts. I imagined Brad grabbing his meaty cock at the base and priming just the head within the opening of my cunt. As I envisioned him feeding me the rest of his pole, inch by inch, I pushed the toy further into my waiting pussy.

I was well and truly in my own world at that point. In my mind, Brad was fucking me slow and deep, and in reality, I was doing the same to myself. It felt so good, I almost forgot about the vibrating function of my toy. I withdrew it from my wet pussy and turned it to its lowest setting. I went back through the same routine, starting with teasing my folds and inserting just the tip. God, the feeling was heavenly. I let out a moan and thrust my hips toward the toy, my cunt hungry for more. I began going deeper with the toy, my pussy begging for each extra inch I fed it.

Finally, the toy was inserted far enough that the extra side piece reached my clit. I was overwhelmed by the new sensations of a cock inside me while my clit was being stimulated, and on top of that—the vibrations—holy shit! My pussy humped upward involuntarily, trying to get even more pleasure crammed in. I was panting and humping and moaning and gyrating until I felt a wave of the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced spread over my entire crotch and abdomen. I thrust a few more times with the after-spasms and fell back onto the pillows beneath me.

I might have blacked out for a second, I'm not sure. But in any case, when I came back to reality and saw what was going on around me, my horny desires returned tenfold. It was as if something in me snapped right then. I was no longer June, the sophomore marketing major who grew up in Atlanta. I WAS my libido. I was being led by my pussy, which was simply on the hunt for more pleasure, more FUCK, more CUM. But I was momentarily stunned by what I was witnessing.


I scanned the dimly-lit den. Anne sure enough had those nipple clamps on. Her tits were fantastically voluptuous and it was very erotic to see the nipples hard and pinched between the clamps. She also had two fingers in her pussy and would periodically withdraw them from her juicy hole to suck on them.

Kira was squatted over her dildo, one hand keeping it pointing up and into her slippery shaved cunt, the other hand rubbing frantic circles around her clit. Great balance, I thought. Kira must work those core muscles out.

Emma was splayed out, legs wide open, and slamming that huge cock-and-balls dildo in and out of her sloppy-looking snatch. Her other hand lifted one giant tit up so she could suck on the nipple. She looked fucking hot. I felt my pussy throb at the sight. If I wasn't still sensitive after my orgasm, I probably would have been touching myself again already.

Kimmy was in a kneeling position, with a rolled-up pillow between her legs and the microphone-shaped vibrator right on top. She was humping the shit out of that thing. She was really grinding her crotch on it—shifting slightly here and there to pleasure a different spot. It looked so incredibly sexy that I couldn't believe I was ever ashamed of masturbating that way! Normally, I'd think that Kimmy was the lucky girl here, being a lesbian and getting to watch all the female self-pleasure going on. But I was getting so turned on watching everyone else, I started to wonder if I was a little gay. Or maybe any person with a pulse and functioning genitalia would feel as horny as I did?

Then I looked over at Melissa. She was rubbing the small vibrator around her crotch area in large circles, but didn't seem to be getting much out of it. She even looked a little frustrated. Penny went over to help.

"It looks like you're having a little trouble, Melissa?"

"Yeah, I'm not really sure... it isn't working somehow," Melissa replied.

"May I?" Penny asked, and reached to take hold of the device. Melissa nodded and moved her hands away, using them lean back and steady herself.

Penny moved to the pillow-covered floor, laying on her stomach and propping herself up with her elbows. "This type of toy is designed to primarily stimulate your clit. Can I show you how it works?"

After Melissa nodded her assent again, Penny turned on the vibe and gently pressed it to Melissa's still-hooded clit. I watched as Melissa's eyes popped open and she let off a whimper. Penny began moving the toy in tiny circles right on her pleasure button.

"Mmmm," Melissa moaned. "Ohhhhh, that's how it's supposed to feel."

"Nice, right?" Penny said. "Since this bullet vibrator is so small, it easily frees you up to add a finger to your pussy. Would you like me to show you?"

"Mmmhmm," Melissa slurred, clearly lost in passion already.

Penny brought the middle finger of her other hand up and swirled it gently in Melissa's opening, appearing to test her wetness.

"Oh yeah, you certainly are ready, aren't you?" Penny whispered. She then pushed her finger deeper into Melissa's apparently wet cunt and was met with a loud groan.

With the dexterity and intuition of an expert sex-instructor, Penny circled the vibe on Melissa's clit while finger fucking her pussy. Between every few insertions of her finger, Penny would leave it inside for a moment, leaving me to assume she was aiming to stimulate the g-spot. In any case, Melissa was moaning and writhing like a woman possessed.

"Uhh, uhh, yeah," Melissa grunted. "That feels so fucking good. Don't stop!"

And Penny did not stop. She kept clit-rubbing and finger-fucking until Melissa's hips were bucking in an intense orgasm. Only then did she withdraw her pleasure implements from Melissa's dripping cunt.

All the other students, including me, watched this sexy spectacle with awed interest. Those who were still working to get off were sent over the edge watching Penny make Melissa cum in such spectacular fashion.

So now everyone had reached their climax, had gotten off, had soaked their fingers and/or toys in their pussy juices. And yet, no one appeared sated. In fact, every last one of us was looking around at our classmates: eyeing tits that were bare or flopped out of bras, surveying swollen, dripping pussies, sizing up other toys that could bring additional pleasure. I had the sense that we were all of one hive mind now, driven by a single hungry cunt-urge, with a common mantra: MAKE MY PUSSY FEEL GOOD.


Kira was the first of us to break the communal post-orgasm tension.

"That looked really intense," she said to Melissa. "Mind if I try that thing out?"

"Of course. Here, let me clean it for your first," Melissa replied, reaching for the wet wipes.

"Oh, that's okay. Don't worry about it," Kira said as she crawled toward Melissa. She sat on her butt in the same position as Melissa, leaning back and propping herself with one arm. "It's actually kinda hot having it already lubed up with your cum."

Several of us let out lustful groans when we heard this.

"Here, you want to try mine? The cock veins felt really good rubbing the inside of my pussy. I think you'll like it," Kira said, handing the dildo to Melissa.

Emma wanted to try out Anne's nipple clamps and Anne was all too happy to test Emma's long, thick dildo. No one seemed concerned with cleaning or having a cleaned sex toy to swap. My fellow students began getting to work with their new fuck objects.

Kimmy scooted over to me, bringing her toy.

"Hey so, we are both humpers huh?" she asked, pushing a lock of dyed-purple hair out of her face.

"Yeah, I guess so! I really enjoyed watching you rub your pussy on that thing," I said.

Kimmy handed me the toy and I could feel its greater heft compared to the toy I had just used. I gave her the clit-tickling vibe and told her how pleasurable it had been for me.

Kimmy said, "I would love to watch you ride it on a pillow, just like I did. And I'll copy what you did with this." She pointed the rounded head down to her neatly trimmed snatch. The carpet did not match the purple drapes.

"I was watching you," she added, not embarrassed in the slightest. "So I think I got your routine down pretty well. And I'm sure you will know just how to hump it to make that juicy clit feel good"

I moaned hearing Kimmy's dirty talk and knelt above a large red pillow, bunching it up to increase the firmness between my legs. Before settling down on the pillow, I took the big-headed vibrator, turned it on and gave my clit a quick buzz just to test it out. My hips bucked forward, aching for more. This one was much more powerful than the first. I pressed the wand into the pillow, making an indentation for it to rest in. I lowered my crotch onto it, keeping it switched off for the time being and wanting to acclimate my cunt to sliding around on the length of plastic.

It felt wonderful already, my wet folds easily slipping around the toy's girth, helped by Kimmy's residual pussy juice. It was really slippery and between that sensation and watching Kimmy start playing, I felt out-of-control horny.

Kimmy scooted even closer to plant herself right in front of me and whispered, "I saw you start by buzzing your clit lightly." She did just that and shivered in anticipation, then turned the vibe off. "Then you teased your outer lips a bit." She said and started probing her moist folds with the dildo head and tapping the entrance of her tunnel. "You gave yourself a few short fucks... just a tiny taste." Kimmy did what she was describing to herself. I could hear the wet squishing sounds her cunt made around the toy and my desire went into overdrive.

I turned on my vibrator and steadied the pillow with both hands. I lowered myself a bit and quickly lifted my hips again, finding the strong buzz overstimulating directly on my unsheathed clit for a longer interval. I lowered down and lifted back up a few more times, forming a vertical rhythm.

I watched as Kimmy began feeding her pussy more and more of the toy as she groaned in pleasure. She kept narrating, "Then you worked this very toy all the way into your cunt." She gyrated her hips, loving the sensation of being filled up. "Then you took it all the way out... and turned on the vibrations," she went on, "and started the whole flow again." Kimmy began doing what she was describing, the vibrations doubling the feel-good in her hot pussy.

This display made me lose my mind. I began really riding the vibrator/pillow combo, grinding my soaked cunt onto the hard pole. With every few up-strokes, I let my clit make full contact with the powerfully buzzing head. Each time my clit made contact with it, my pelvis thrust forward and up instinctually.

My pussy was fucking with reckless abandon and Kimmy had the vibrator shoved all the way in her cunt, the clit-tickling side piece working its magic. We were looking each other in the eyes as our lust mounted. Kimmy reached up to fondle one of her tits, leaving the vibrator in place, secure within her tightly clenched pussy. My amorous desires took over and I reached out to grasp Kimmy's fuck toy, still gliding my wet cunt up and down my vibe. I started plunging the dildo in and out of Kimmy's juicy hole, reveling in her delightedly surprised reaction.

I was very close to cumming and it seemed Kimmy was too. My pussy ground even harder on the toy as I made sure to keep Kimmy's vibe stimulating her clit as I fucked her with it. I felt my second gargantuan orgasm of the night roll through my body and my hips bucked upward, trying to hold onto the sensation. Kimmy came in spectacular fashion too, slamming her pussy forward for me to give it more fucking, even as her cum fluid dripped from between her legs.

We both gave triumphant grunts as we rode out our lengthy orgasms. When the last spasms had subsided, we fell back together, momentarily spent. I relaxed for a moment, catching my breath before sitting up again. As I allowed my body to calm back down, I observed the other activity in the den.


Emma and Anne were sat facing each other, their knees bent and legs spread, intertwined. Emma was wearing the nipple clamps and I could see her rock-hard nipples standing on end through the pinchers. Apparently to replace the sensation from the nipple clams that she was now using, she had both Anne's nipples between her fingers, pulling and bouncing her entire tits by the nipples. Anne took turns stuffing the massive cock-and-balls dildo into her own pussy, and then into Emma's. Back and forth she went, fucking the rubber cock with alternating short, fast strokes or long, slow ones. I surmised that both of them were not far from orgasm.

There had been another surprising and hot development while Kimmy and I were going at it. Evidently, Penny had grown restless with watching us fuck our own brains out and decided to get in on the fun. Penny's work polo was off, as was her bra. Her giant, yet perky tits sat high atop her chest. While I did indeed appraise them as surgically augmented, they were sexy as hell with small, pointy red nips.

She and Kira were nestled in one corner of the den, Penny reclined on a stack of pillows and Kira laying in what looked like a yoga 'frog' pose: face down with her hips wide, legs spread, and knees bent—basically straddling the floor. Her silky black ponytail looked like a black python snaking down her toned back. She had the little bullet vibe and her original realistic rubber dildo, and was using them both on Penny's glistening pussy. She alternated between teasing Penny's clit with tiny buzzes and slowly feeding the rubber dong to her horny cunt. Penny, lost in sheer ecstasy, had abandoned her teaching duties for now.

This shit was getting crazy with a capital-C, I thought. As I said earlier, I'd never been into girls before. But between the sights I just described, the copious gasping and moaning, and the rich, musky aroma of aroused pussy that filled our confined space, I was being driven out of my mind with lust. I felt a wave of warmth and excitement spread through my cunt. I had rested enough and my pussy was back in business, in search of more pleasure.

I crawled toward Melissa who was sitting in the middle of the melee, legs wide open, languidly rubbing her clit in circular motions.

"You have a really pretty pussy, Melissa," I started. "I love how your lips just kind of... unfurl. Reminds me of butterfly wings."

Melissa looked genuinely touched by my comment. It was obvious it had been a long time since she received a sincere compliment about her appearance.

"Thank you," she said. "I wish my husband thought so. He's told me he thinks I look "messy" down there."

"Well he sounds like a fucking idiot," I retorted, laughing. "If you were my wife, I'd be worshiping that thing day and night." I then cringed at how cheesy I sounded, but was honestly turned on by Melissa's pussy on display before me. I realized that neither of us had a toy to play with, so I decided to improvise.

"Would you like me to touch you?" I asked politely.

Melissa said nothing but nodded down at me with doe eyes, her thick, reddish-brown waves shaking a little. I reached out my pointer finger and ran it up the length of her wet slit. I moved it back downward and let it linger at her opening, the origin of her wetness. She moaned softly, not taking her eyes off of me. I pulsed my finger almost imperceptibly into the entrance of her pussy. Being this close to her, I could smell her aroused juices and it was intoxicating. My brain was running a step or two behind my body, and before I knew it, I was bringing my finger, soaked in Melissa's cum, to my mouth. I sucked on my finger, savoring her tangy taste.

"Do you like having your husband lick your pussy?" I asked, now using my juice-covered finger to rub circles on Melissa's clit. I had a pretty good hunch about where her answer would lead.

"Ehh, not really," she replied. "He would do that for me sometimes when we first got together, but never seemed to enjoy it much. He never does it anymore, though. Just wants to stick it in, and wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. I think he sees me as basically a sex toy."

"That is a real shame," I said, shaking my head. "He is seriously missing out, Melissa. You taste so good."

Melissa's hips thrust upward and she moaned, probably at the idea that someone would actually desire her in that way.

I kept alternating between circling her clit and dipping my finger into her silky hole, looking up at her expectantly. My mouth had started to water as I silently urged Melissa to make the next move.

Melissa stammered, "J-June... um... do you think you would mind... uh..."

I cocked my head to the side and let my lips part, but said nothing.

"Would you taste me again?" Melissa finished.

I dipped my finger into her cunt, brought it to my mouth and sucked on it. "Like this?" I asked teasingly.

"Um... I do like that a lot. But would you... lick it? Lick my pussy?"

Finally! "I would love to lick your pussy," I purred, moving my body even closer to Melissa's. She reclined a bit on the bank of pillows behind her, but was still upright enough for us to make eye contact.

The first thing I did was plant a kiss on her closely-trimmed pubic mound. I then turned my head to the side and gave kisses to each of her inner thighs. She was nearly shaking in anticipation. I lightly licked up the length of each of her folded outer lips, being careful not to reach her clit just yet. I flattened my tongue and ducked lower, lapping at the entrance to her pussy. The taste and smell of her strong arousal was making me so horny. It sounded like Melissa was enjoying it too, by her sighs and moans.

I paused and looked up at her, catching her eye. Without breaking our gaze, I stretched my tongue straight out and the tip made contact with her engorged clit. She gasped and her hips gave an involuntary upward jerk.

"Your cunt is so sexy, Melissa," I whispered, and allowed my tongue to explore her waiting clit. I took turns letting my tongue unravel between her lips, circling the pointed tip over her clit, and flattening it to lap up her wetness from just under her pussy hole all the way up to her hard clit-button.

She was in heaven, moaning, writhing, and occasionally saying "ohhh June," or "yeah, lick my pussy."

Her obvious desire spurred me on, and eventually I had gotten into a steady rhythm. When I rolled my tongue over her slippery clit, she gasped and said, "oh my God, fuck yeah! Right there! Don't stop!"

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