class in session whores part 2

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I stepped in front of Mr. Cole's desk, my eyes cast downwards, my breath already quickening as I waited for him to touch me. He circled me first, eyeing me up and down with a disapproving air before moving to stand in front of me.

"Lift your skirt and spread your legs." he barked, and I jumped, hurrying to comply. I could feel my face heating as I widened my stance, placing my feet shoulder-width apart and then slowly lifted my short little schoolgirl skirt. I felt incredibly humiliated, knowing that not only were the other girls watching me, but those mysterious men on the other side of the smoked glass. I squirmed under their imagined gaze, glancing up to see Mr. Cole appraising me, and tightened my grip on my skirt as a wave of lust went through me. I knew I was wet, shamefully so, and I knew that they could all see it.

"So, little cunt, I see you are enjoying this lesson." he said, moving to stand behind me. "Bend over and grab your ankles." he instructed, lifting the ruler from the desk and slapping it lightly against his palm. I whimpered in fear but obeyed him, letting go of my skirt and bending at the waist til I could reach my ankles. I wobbled slightly, put off balance by the awkward position, and then shrieked in pain as, with no warning, my pussy was struck by the ruler. I felt as though it was on fire and it was only through sheer force of will that I stayed on my feet, my knuckles white as I gripped my ankles and held on for dear life. Mr. Cole brought his arm back and slapped my pussy again, the wooden ruler making an obscene squelching sound as it contacted my wet lips. I wailed, arching my back against the pain, and gritted my teeth, wondering how many more blows I could stand. Another strike came up between my legs, this one catching my clit, and I saw stars, my vision blurring. I don't know how I didn't fall down but when I became aware of myself again I was still gripping my ankles, my swollen, abused pussy throbbing in pain and need, and Mr. Cole was standing in front of me, smirking.

"You see class, the same principle applies to the cunt. We like to make it more sensitive. Now, cunt, up on the desk. On your back, knees spread."

I shakily moved toward the desk, tears running down my face, and clambered up. The desk was wide enough that I could lie on it, my dripping pussy facing the classroom, my feet up on either corner, and my head just brushing the edge. My hands fluttered uncertainly at my sides until Mr. Cole grabbed them and pulled them over my head, clipping my cuffs to the underside of the desk and effectively trapping me. I stared down my body, looking at my classmates as they watched my open pussy, my arousal plainly visible. I couldn't believe this was actually happening, and that I was actually turned on by it.

Before I could think about it much more, Mr. Cole stepped up behind me and reached forward, pulling my skirt up til it rested on my stomach. He grabbed a binder clip from the desk and held it in front of me, making sure I could see exactly what he was doing as he gripped one of my swollen labia and snapped the clip onto it, compressing the sensitive flesh. I moaned, writhing on the desk, and watched as he repeated the procedure with my other pussy lip, snapping the clip down tight and tugging on it slightly. I was so wet I was almost surprised when they stayed in place, and the feel of them on my pussy was incredible.

He then pulled a piece of twine from a desk drawer and looped it around my thigh before bringing it up and through the hole on the end of the clip. With a little tension and some knots, soon both my pussy lips were spread wide, attached to my thighs by the binder clips, exposing my wet hole and swollen clit to the classroom. I moaned as he leaned down and blew on my aching cunt, thrusting my hips upwards at the tickling sensation, hoping he would let me come. Instead, he picked the ruler back up and slapped it straight down onto my exposed, vulnerable clit.

I screamed, arching my back off the desk and kicking my legs, the pain radiating from my pussy in waves of heat that turned to pleasure as they faded. I was gasping, barely aware of his words as he lectured the class on the correct way to handle a slut's clit, and I moaned in pain and ecstasy as he grabbed that swollen little nub between his fingers and pinched it. He stroked it with his finger, pushing the pain further away as I felt an orgasm brewing, and I stared out at the class, seeing the rapt faces of the other girls as they watched Mr. Cole abuse my poor pussy.

"As you girls know, your cunts are meant to be fucked, and fucked hard. I prefer to fuck a cunt that is well sensitized, hence the spanking with the ruler. I believe this little one needs a little more work before I fuck her, so we're going to demonstrate the effects of a vibrator."

I felt another gush of wetness at his words, my face flushing in shame as I realized that everyone could see it, and I swung my head to the side, too embarrassed to look at my classmates. My eyes focused in on the large vibrating wand that Mr. Cole was pulling from a desk drawer and I whimpered, my legs involuntarily trying to close as I imagined it pressed against my wet folds. Mr. Cole slapped the ruler against the inside of my thigh, growling "Spread them or I will tie you down." and I reluctantly complied, my gaze fixated on the vibrator that was now emitting a harsh buzzing sound as he lowered it to my glistening slit. He reached down with his other hand and pulled back the hood of my clit, exposing that tiny red nub, and pressed the vibrator onto it.

The moment the vibrator made contact with my swollen clit, I shrieked, my back arching off the desk, my legs closing around it in agony. The sensations were completely overwhelming, bordering on painful, and I writhed against it, crying out and begging him to stop. He barked out a command of some sort and the door flew open, two men striding in and positioning themselves on either side of me, grabbing my legs and spreading me open. I was sobbing, pleading with Mr. Cole to stop, to let me come, to fuck me, anything, just to end this torment. He grabbed my pigtails in his hand, forcing my head up so I stared down my body, my legs spread wide, my hips pumping and squirming against the jack-hammering of the vibrator, and I cried out as a painful, brutal orgasm hit me, my back arching til I thought it would snap. Through a haze, I could see my classmates staring at me, their eyes glazed with lust, their nipples hard, and I howled in pained ecstasy as my pussy contracted, my clit throbbing against the vibrator.

Mr. Cole abruptly yanked the vibrator away, leaving me limp and drained, my red, puffy cunt on display for the class. The orgasm had not been a satisfying one, and I felt empty and needy, with none of the usual glow I got from coming. I could feel tears running down my face, my breath coming in sharp little gasps, and when the men holding my legs let them go, they fell to the floor, my muscles too weak to control them.

"Bend her over the desk." snapped Mr. Cole, and I felt my wrists being released, my body being lifted from the desk. I was turned and carried, then unceremoniously shoved forward, grunting as my hard nipples were pressed into the unyielding wood of the desk, my arms wrenched behind my back. My legs were kicked apart, and I could feel Mr. Cole behind me, securing my wrists together. He leaned over me to growl in my ear as he worked.

"I'm going to fuck you, young lady. I'm going to fuck that disobedient little cunt of yours, and there is nothing you can do about it."

I felt his hands in my hair, each pigtail clenched in a fist, my head pulled backwards so I was forced to arch my back, and his hard cock probing against my spread open slit. The binder clips were pinching my labia, tugging against the twine on my thighs, and the sensation of him sliding straight into my cunt with no resistance made me cry out, a gush of wetness flowing out to coat his cock.

"That's right, little slut." he grunted, shoving the rest of his cock into me. I moaned, my fingers twisting helplessly behind my back as he used my pigtails to pull me even further onto his dick. He began to fuck me, brutally and hard, with no care for my pleasure, and I was crying out with each thrust, my pussy spasming around his thick length. My eyes were blurred with tears, but I could still make out the faces of the other girls, their cheeks flushed with arousal, their breasts heaving with heavy breaths. I shuddered as Mr. Cole continued to slam into me, my body shaking with the force of his thrusts, my pussy gushing as I felt an orgasm creeping upwards, starting in the pit of my belly and radiating outwards. I began to push back against him, straining against his hands in my hair, and he tightened his grip, arching my back further so his balls slapped against my clit with every punishing penetration of his hard cock. The room was deadly silent, save for the obscene sounds of his flesh pounding into mine and my whimpering moans and I felt violated and humiliated, some little part of me feeding into the fantasy of it all, imagining myself being fucked on my teacher's desk.

"Please..." I moaned, so close to coming I was mad with the desire for it. "Please, oh please sir, let me come."

My breath was coming in pants now, my words barely coherent, and I heard Mr. Cole give a strained chuckle, his cock jumping inside me as I spoke.

"Such a filthy little slut. Alright, girl, come for me. Come on my cock like the horny slut you are, show your classmates how a good little whore behaves for her teacher. Come for me!"

His words sent me over the edge and I cried out, my pussy spasming around his cock, my hips bucking under his punishing thrusts. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my orgasm consuming me and destroying me, melting me into a puddle on his desk. I hung, limply, my body suspended by his grip on my hair as he pounded into me one last time and growled out his release, his cock swelling and twitching inside me as I felt his warm seed spraying the inside of my cunt. He released my hair and my head fell to the desk, my flushed cheek pressed against the cool wood, my eyes drifting closed as a wave of shame swept over me. How could I face those other women? What would they think of me now?

"There, class. See how a proper slut behaves when you treat her cunt correctly?" Mr. Cole said, his voice sounding remarkably unaffected by what had just happened.

"Now, I believe it is time for recess. We'll continue our lessons afterwards. Don't forget, you share your recess with the boys and I don't want to hear any more reports of you refusing to play nicely, or there will be detentions all around. Dismissed."

I stared numbly up at him, trying to process his words. Boys? Recess? He grinned down at me, his fingers creeping down to stroke my soaked pussy. "Oh, little slut. You're going to be quite the hit on the playground."

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