Creamy office mess

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Melissa enjoyed her job a lot... She had been working for the agency for a little over a year, and in that time had gotten two promotions along with nice raises. She had started as a general typist, but had soon shown superior talent and was given the job as the administrative assistant to one of the vice presidents. It was shortly after that happened that she got her big career break.

She was working late on a Friday... Her boss had a huge project that had to be in the client's office, halfway across the country, first thing Monday morning. Melissa loved working for her boss, Sharon, a strikingly beautiful woman who, in her mid-forties, was quite a bit older than Melissa's 26 years. Sharon is very tall and slender, with a mane of auburn curls that reaches halfway down her back. Her taste in clothing tends to white blouses and dark slacks, but they are obviously tailored and show off her tight butt.

Melissa is short at 5'1" and blonde, with her curly hair just reaching her shoulders. Her body, while not fat by anyone's standards, is more full than Sharon's. Melissa usually dresses in short skirts that show off her shapely legs, but she is careful not to dress too provocatively at the office. Away from work, she tends to wear tiny little mini skirts and low cut tops, as she loves to show off her body. Melissa has been lesbian for several years, she got tired of men and their mind games and their refusal to grow up. She is single at the moment, as a couple of months ago she came home from work and found her last girl friend in bed with her own sister, and couldn't handle it.

Melissa has no clue about Sharon's sexual orientation... Sharon is always very professional around the office, but Melissa has also never seen her away from work. She has no idea whether Sharon has a husband, a boy friend, a girl friend, or what... She has noticed that Sharon does not wear a ring on the third finger of her left hand, but does wear several others.

That particular evening, Sharon seemed to be in a very good mood in spite of the stress they were under to complete the project. It looked like they would get it done without much difficulty, and after a while Sharon sent out for some Chinese food for the two of them. When it arrived, they took their food into the conference room and spread it out on the table.

Sharon looked at Melissa and said, "So, Melissa... First off, I want you to know that you have done a great job for me so far. I haven't had a chance to say it, but keep up the good work!"

Melissa smiled and said, "Thanks... I figured that if there was a problem, you would have let me know. But it's always nice to hear that I'm doing things to your satisfaction."

"You are, definitely! We have never really had a chance to get to know each other. Tell me something about yourself!" said Sharon, as she dished herself some rice and chicken.

"Ummmmm... Like what?"

"Well, let's see. You're 26, right?" Melissa nodded her head, since her mouth was full of pork fried rice.

Sharon continued, "Okay, are you married? Boy friend? Kids? Pets?"

Melissa swallowed, then took a drink of water. She smiled. "No, no, no and no! None of the above. How about you, Sharon, are you married?"

The older woman laughed out loud. "Oh, God, no!"

When Melissa looked at Sharon blankly, she went on, "Didn't you know that I'm a lesbian?"

Melissa smiled and said, "No, I didn't know that... You seem surprised at that, should I have?" she added with a wink.

"I guess not... But pretty much all of the high ranking women here are lesbian. The owner, Helene, is very publicly gay, and she has tried to give capable lesbians opportunities to grow with her business. We all love her for that, and she has a very devoted group of people working for her. It hasn't been easy, but through her sheer talent and will, she has grown this into one of the top ad agencies in the country!"

Melissa was surprised but pleased at this information. She had no idea that the owner was a lesbian. She is an attractive woman in her late 40's who had always had a different, younger, but always very good looking man on her arm at company functions.

"Well, then, as long as we're talking about sexual preference, I am also gay. I have been off men for almost 5 years now... And I'm single, I broke up with my last girl friend a couple of months ago. So how about you, Sharon, do you have a partner?"

"No, I don't... I was with a woman for almost 5 years, then six months ago she decided out of the blue that she wanted a husband and a baby. The baby would have been possible, but I couldn't be her husband... And I still miss her, a lot!" Sharon's eyes misted over a little, and Melissa leaned to her and gave her a hug.

"Don't worry, Sharon... When you start looking, I know you will find another partner right away. You are gorgeous, intelligent and a nice person, too!"

"Thanks, Melissa, you're sweet to say that to an old lady..." Sharon gave a weak smile.

"Old lady, my ass! You are an EXTREMELY sexy woman, in the prime of her life!"

Sharon looked straight into the younger girl's eyes. "Do you really mean that, Melissa? Do you really think I'm sexy?"

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