thanks giving freaks

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This last year over Thanksgiving I had one of those experiences that is an absolute life changer. My husband has asked me to write about it now because he just let me know that the VFW is looking for families to sign-up for a day with a recruit.

My husband who is an ex-navy man had heard from a few friends down at the VFW that they were looking for a few families' to host some of the cadets who had nowhere to go for the holiday. Great Lakes which is about a 30-minute ride from are home, is one of the larger basic training camps in the country. So upon coming home with his request to have a couple cadets for dinner I of course saw no harm in this and let him know that we could seat 8 at our dining room table and maybe he would like to invite 4 instead.

I like to believe that we are your normal midwestern family with both parents working two children, a son of seventeen in his senior year and a daughter of fifteen a sophomore both in the local high school. We have 2 cars and living in a normal all American middle class home of three bedrooms with a den/overnight room on a third of an acre of land.

I am 39 years of age and I believe at 5'4" 123 pounds with dishwater Blonde hair and blue eyes I have done pretty good to maintain my figure through regular workouts and fair eating habits. I have a nice bust line of 36C that is a good balance to my figure.

On Thanksgiving Day my husband John and son Randy ran up to Great Lakes Naval Base to pick-up our guest for dinner. Wendy my daughter and I started on all of the cooking and preparations. Around 10:00 With the Turkey in and all going well I let Wendy know that I was running upstairs to shower and change out of my sweats and slippers. Wendy let me know how happy she was that I would not embarrass her in my PJ's. My daughter was pleased to see me return in one of my more semi-formal dresses with a slightly plunging neckline and down to about mid calf in length, With a pair of knee high's and 3" heels to help complete my attire. This is a dress that I like to wear for work.

Around 11:00 my son and husband returned with four young men that were really little more in age than my son. Dressed in their uniforms and shiny shoes it was a surprise to see four men between 18 and 22 years of age who slightly older than my own son were by all standards men not boys!

I believe my husband was taken back by the look on my face as I looked upon Mark the oldest at 6'4", blonde crew cut hair with sparkling blue eyes, a true Adonis looking man. Mark could not have weighed 190 pounds dressed and obviously was built like an athlete. John had to snap both Wendy and myself back to the now and present by introducing us to Kevin 6' 175 pounds and very blonde with green eyes. Jamul at 6'2" and 210 pounds, I would have sworn a professional football player. Then there was Roberto last but by no means last who at 5'10" 165 pounds black hair and with the most beautiful deep brown eyes that I can remember ever seeing. I was sure that my husband's earlier warning about my daughter losing her self in this day was going to be the least of my worries I was concerned only for myself and how was I going to keep from swooning all day.

Turning to Wendy who stood there with the same lost look, as I'm sure that I had. I asked her to "Please see to some beverages for our guest." Randy I asked "Please see about taking our guest to the family room and see if there might not be a game on for the guys." My wonderful husband stood leaning against the counter with a look of satisfaction that I could tell was his best I Got You look. He smiled as and said "Well forget about Wendy, I see that I will need to worry about you sneaking off with the boys."

With a big smile and a hug I whispered to him "Well dear you remember when you told me of your fantasy of me with another man."

John just looked at me and said "I can not believe you would even say that with the way you treated me after I told you of that!"

John had told me about four years back of a fantasy that he had with me falling victim to a sexual escapade with several men and I being the entertainment for the evening. I got so mad at him that we did not talk for hours and I was cold to him in bed for a good two nights. But then I allowed myself to admit, only to myself that on occasion I to had fantasized about a lover well endowed or about having sex with two men at the same time. But today I am a mother and a lady and that is really not an option.

I looked at John with that I Got You look, smiled and said "My how times can change a person!" John walked away to the family room with a look that was either fear or excitement I was not sure, but I had to get back to our Thanksgiving dinner so we could still eat on time. Both Randy and Wendy had plans with their friends from school for sports activity's to do this afternoon. I hoped to have dinner ready somewhere between 1:00 and 2:00.

As I was working in the kitchen I heard the guys cheering over the game and thought that with drinks and a game they would be lost until their meal was ready. Wendy and I were working on the cranberries and yams when Roberto came in to see if he could be of help. I could see by the look on Wendy's face she was in favor of his company so I said "Roberto you really do not need to but if you would like you and Wendy could peel the potatoes to cook." With a big smile Wendy was off to the refrigerator to get the potatoes.

Dinner was ready by 1:15 and we all sat down to eat. After we gave thanks we fixed plates and dug in, there was little conversation for the first 15 minutes while we all had a taste of what we liked. Mark was the first to say anything and that was to thank me for making the cranberries and turkey just as he remembered them from home. Jamul chimed in with a compliment on the yams tasting as though his own mother had made them.

Wendy let everyone know that Mark and Kevin had to help with the dishes Jamul helped set the table and Roberto helped with the dinner. Everyone had a good laugh and the two claimed that the football game had been to close to walk away. With dinner over and Wendy and I starting the dishes Randy came in to see if he could use my car to meet with the guys to go over there game plans for Saturdays game.

Wendy asked if he would be willing to drop her at Michelle's so they could work on there cheers for the JV's. So by 2:30 I found myself in the kitchen thinking I was just another football widow when in walked Mark and Kevin with big smiles and asked if they could be of assistance, I started to melt then and there. Kevin grabbed the towel and Mark started to put away.

About 20 minutes later is when my whole world turned upside down and I am afraid might have changed my life forever. With the kids gone, Kevin and Mark started in helping me in finishing the dishes. John seemed to be checking up on us by coming in for beers way to often. That is when it all happened, Kevin was at the counter drying and I was handing off the large serving trays to Mark who was putting them on the top shelf of my credenza. He had his hands above his head and lost hold of my favorite serving tray, we both lunged for it. I slammed right into Mark with a full frontal my hands above my head and my chest and body massed into his, I was shocked to feel that this young Adonis of a man had the biggest hard on that I had ever felt. Mark and I looked into each others eyes a bit embarrassed for what was happening, without looking away he set the tray in the groove on the shelf and leaned it back without moving. I stood completely still feeling every bit of that large electrifying erection without breaking the moment. Kevin standing behind us had just realized that we were not moving, I could tell that he was not sure weather to ask if we were okay or tell me to reach down in see if it was real. That was when I said the thing that was to be my finale down fall from motherhood to slutdom. "Mark please tell me that that is not due to me!"

Mark was quite for a minute then with a response I did not expect he said "Madam I and all the guys have had these from almost the moment we saw you," and then as an after thought he said "I'm sorry."

I was speechless as I realized I still had not moved from the second I felt that wonderful cock pressing into my belly. Without another thought I stepped back reached out and took Marks belt in one hand and his pants in the other and while looking him straight in the eye I unbuckled his pants and reached into his boxer and without another thought brought my mouth down onto the most lovely cock I had ever seen.

Here I was bent over in my own kitchen in front of my credenza with a large cock in my mouth belonging to a young man my son's age who was not my husband of the last 18 years, while another young man stood staring open mouthed at us and all the while my husband sat in the other room watching football without a clue.

Without a thought Mark reached into the neckline of my dress and under my bra starting to fondle first one than the other of my breast. That was all I could handle I needed more, I was lost in the feeling of total erotic abandonment. At that moment is when I remembered Kevin and I snuck a look to the side to see him with his hand rubbing the crotch of his uniform while watching us. I am not sure what got into me but I lifted my head off of Mark long enough to ask Kevin if he would get over here and start eating my pussy! Wow! I don't talk like that with my husband what had gotten into me? What was I going to do when John came back to check on us. Then and there is when I knew I did not care he was the one who suggested something like this years before I was the one who refused.

Woman's prerogative the right to change her mind now lets see if his little fantasy would excite him or infuriate him.

At that point I was not about to stop! Kevin was bunching my dress around my waist as my panties hit the floor. He set a chair to the side of us and lifted my leg to place my foot on the seat, without a word he dropped to his knees and started by burying his tongue into my world as deep as he could in such the position we were all in.

After a good five minutes with Kevin manipulating my clitoris with his tongue he slowly worked a large finger into my pussy. The feeling of that digit slowly penetrating in to me caused me to gasp and then gulp and before I knew it I had Mark with his entire penis down my throught. Oh my God! This is far more than I ever have had in my mouth let alone to be deep throating almost 10"! I stopped worrying at that minute because that was when I realized Mark was shaved clean. I did not know why but was pleased not to be tickled around the face by his pubic hair. As I started to get into the feelings coming from Kevin's finger I was aware that now I had two fingers in me and a steady sucking on my clit. With a nice long shutter and the start of an orgasm I felt Kevin shift and he dropped my leg to the ground while Mark held my head down on his lovely penis I felt myself being guided backwards by the guys to sit down. With out a thought I went right down on what I thought was the chair fast and hard. Due to the position I had been in I was tired of standing. I thought Kevin had backed away and was guiding me to sit after my small orgasm.

Imaging my surprise as I sat back into the chair only to feel a very hard and quite large cock penetrate my pussy in one quick but complete stroke. As wet as Kevin left me I had no problem with his 7 plus inches sliding all the way in. Aaaagghh!!!!!!!! Was my sudden and loud moan! I started to gag with Mark a good 6" down my throat. Kevin who was just a little wider than Mark but not as long now filled me in places where no one had for the first time since I met my husband. Not with one but with two other men's cocks.

Mark was very sweet and immediately pulled that wonderful penis of his out of my mouth so I could catch my breath. With out a thought I immediately sucked him back in and instinctively started to rock on Kevin's wonderful piece of pleasure meat. Reaching one hand down to Kevin's cock and leaving the other on Mark I realized for the first time that both men were shaved bare. I guess it was something to do with being in the Navy, that's when I decided that I really did like it.

Rocking on Kevin and sucking on Mark I was thinking about what would happen if my husband was to come walking in and catch us like this. Looking to the side there stood not only my husband but also Roberto and Jamul. Kevin and Mark both had gone stiff at that moment and stopped dead. I picked my head up off Mark only to see my wide-eyed open mouth husband and his new football buddy's.

"Well dear I hope that you like the show this fantasy of yours it's the best." "I am so full of cock and right now there is no way I could stop even if I wanted to, let alone, if you wanted me to!"

John shook his head smiled and just said "It's okay with me as long as you know that we're not done until all of us guys say we are!"

I replied, "Now I'm scarred if those guys are packing like these guys I will never be the same again." With a look at Roberto and Jamul I knew it was going to be a long and tiring night. I said "Thank goodness you all have to be back to the base by 11:00." Jamul smiled and said "Well then we best get busy its already 4:00 and that only leaves us a few more hours to dust off the last 7 weeks of basic!"

With that settled I brought my mouth back down on Mark's beautiful hardon and went back to work even harder. Gaining some footing I started to actually fuck the man who was buried in my pussy. With in 5 minutes the guys had my dress up and over my head at about the same time my bra hit the floor. I was left only in my knee-highs and heels working on two cocks at the same time for the first time in my life.

Please don't get me wrong I am not a prude back in college I had my fair share of encounters and once ended up drunk and slept with two different men in the same night but it was not together, and they did not know of each other.

It was right about this time that I was beginning to really warm up to all of the feelings that I was going through. I was screwing Kevin, sucking Mark and thinking about the three other men who were fondling my breast and stripping off their clothes when the first wave of the most intense orgasm that I have ever had hit me! Without a word I stood up and fell back onto Kevin with a loud OOOOOOOh MMMy Goddd! And with that I started a fast and heavy panting while my whole insides started to boil over. That is when it hit me and I yelled out "OH NO I AM PEEING ALL OVER."

Every body stopped and looked down to watch me squirt 3 times more straight out and all over Kevin and the floor. With out knowing I tried to stand up, slightly embarrassed on wobbly legs thinking to clean up my mess. I was only able to fall back into Kevin who wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. Mark stepped forward with his large stiff cock and slid into me like soft butter. My immediate thought was that this was to sweet and easy for as large as he was and that is when I noticed that I was far more wet and swollen than I ever remember being. Looking up I realized every one was laughing, With a bit of anger and out of breath I asked in know uncertain terms "What do you idiots think is so funny about fucking the piss out of me!"

My husband smiled as he leaned over me and gave me a deep tongue kiss he replied "Honey you have just had your first and we hope not last, squirting orgasm." "Was it as good for you as it was for us to watch?"

I took a moment to look around and that was when I noticed that all of the guys had very hard cocks and that my husband at 6" was the smallest, Jamul topped them all out with just over 10" and just a little less wide than Mark. I think that that is when it really hit me I was never going to be the same after these men spent this evening using me like the only girl at a fraternity party. Thinking to my self I hope with this much cock and all of you willing participants that you really don't need me to answer that.

Here I was laying back letting Mark fuck me with Kevin's cock fitting so nicely in the crack of my ass while two other men play with my breast that I really hated to change anything. The problem is I had five cocks and only one being put to work. With a little struggle I was able to get Mark to let me flip over and go down on my knees to my dress that was all bunched up on the floor. I was able to slip Kevin into my mouth while I took Roberto and Jamul in each of my hands. Both went back to playing with my breast as I started to work on them the best I could. That is when I realized this was the first time in my life to ever taste pussy. Even stranger it was my pussy!

Oh my what a rush knowing that you were the center of attention of five men that knew they were all going to use you for their pleasure only.

Mark started to rock into me as I began to get a rhythm going with all the guys. I would suck Kevin in on Marks withdrawal and pull on both Jamul and Roberto. I would slide Kevin out with a gasp on the return of Mark's large cock in to my pussy while I slid my hands down on the boy's cocks.

It was at this time that I noticed my husband had grabbed the family video camera and was filming all of this. I am not sure what happened to me but instead of objecting I just started to really fall into character as the slut and really began to let go. Within 5 minutes I had both Kevin and Mark cumming with everything they had to offer and I felt for the first time in my life what it felt like to have two young very virile men fill both my mouth and pussy with cum at the same time. I was so busy tiring not to lose any of the biter sweet liquid pearls from Kevin that it never crossed my mind until Mark yelled "I'm cumming!" that my pussy was being filled with young very fertile seed and I was off birth control due to John's vasectomy! With out a second thought I let Mark continue until it started running down the inside of my thighs. At that point I came off of Kevin and demanded a short break in the activities to catch my breath and clean up a little.

Returning to the kitchen in only my knee highs and heels I found myself feeling so excited to be sluttish enough to willing walk into a room of five men knowing they all wanted to be the next to fuck me.

Sitting down to the table with the guys who all had beers, Roberto handed me a glass of wine that seemed to disappear in three sips. I was just getting ready to ask for more when I felt Jamul pull out my chair turning it to the side. As he went to his knees I look to the side and gave Roberto the come here sign. As I sucked Roberto's cock straight down to the base of his beautifully shaved cock I felt Jamul start to lick straight up my swollen wet petals.

I was just starting to get into a rhythm again when I was hit by several short spasms of a new orgasm starting to build. When I looked up from Roberto's cock catching my breath I saw John was back behind the camcorder filming again. I also notice that John was as hard as iron and gently stroking his cock. Wrapping my lips back around Roberto again I felt Jamul picking up my right leg and hooking it over his shoulder and then do the same with my left. I was unprepared for what was to follow as Jamul started to come up off his knees he started to slide that wonderfully long cock up and down my swollen lips. Then with out warning he rocked forward and there I was again with a hard cock a good 6" in my pussy rocking back and forth right at my g-spot forcing me into another orgasm. With out thinking I rocked forward to meet Jamul's thrust out of reaction to my orgasm. That is when his cock slipped right past my cervix and into my womb. All the way until his shaved balls were bumping my anus. I lost it right then there, no way could I have of slowing down my orgasm, I spit out Roberto and yell fuck me you asshole fuck me hard and fast! God I was so hot! At that point both of my kids could have come home with their friends and I couldn't have stopped.

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