Just My Luck

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Hi guys,

This is my first fanfiction, and I'm really excited to share it with you all. I'm looking forward to your feedback. Feel free to comment with ideas, opinions, and critiques.

There is going to be mature content in this fanfiction. Such as reference violence, violence, sexual content, and emotional trauma/manipulation. Please read at your own discretion.

I don't own any of the DC characters or have rights to them, I'm just writing what I would want to read myself.


(Y/N) : your name
(L/N) : last name
(E/C) : eye color
(H/L) : hair length
(H/C): hair color


"Why can't we go a month without having to go into lockdown?" I ask myself as I begin making my way over to the corner of the classroom. As silently as possible, the rest of the students make their way over to the back right corner of the room, trying to hide out of sight from the door's viewpoint. However, if the attacker decided to come through the window, we were fucked, but the administration either didn't consider it or didn't care.

"I don't see how this will help us if they decide to smash through the windows," Samantha, or Sam, my best friend, echoes my thoughts.

Our history class is on the first floor of the school, which boasts floor-to-ceiling windows in an attempt to create a sense of modernity. Which isn't surprising since Gotham Academy was a state-of-the-art modern monstrosity surrounded by historical landmarks on the upper east side. Everything here was sleek steel, concrete, and the blue lights of modern technology. You would think a school as well funded as this one would invest in bulletproof glass or a panic room in order to protect the lives of 'Gotham's future', (not my words) but no, the money is better spent on cutting-edge athletic facilities.

"Keep your voices down and huddle together," our history teacher, Mr. Reiner, softly urges us as he lowers himself to the floor in front of us. "We don't know if this is a drill yet," he adds as he stretches his legs out and turns to face the classroom door in case he has to protect us from raining bullets.

Mr. Reiner could be considered one of the few 'cool' teachers at Gotham. Being in his early thirties and with his more relaxed approach to teaching world history through the use of fun Kahoot exercises and John Green videos, he has become one of my favorite teachers. He was tall and moderately fit, which made him a hot topic discussed outside of his class by the female population, despite the fact he was married.

With Gotham Academy being as elite and competitive as it is, Sam and I are only 2 out of the 78 students that make up this year's graduating class. The school gets hundreds of applications a year, but between needing a minimum IQ of 140, the entrance exams (yes, plural), the recommendation letters, transcripts, and a hefty price tag, only around 30 students are accepted a year in total.

Out of the 78 students, at least 50 come from the ruling elite of Gotham, and the rest, although not considered blue bloods, are still insanely wealthy. There are a few students that have been accepted through scholarships and grants, but only to make Gotham seem more - how to put it- accommodating to the 'less fortunate' (once again, not my words).

Our senior class is the smallest Gotham has seen in over 10 years, which means the dating pool is also the smallest it has ever been. Which is one of the reasons why the girls flirt with Mr. Reiner so blatantly. But like the good sport he usually is, he just laughs it off and continues with his lessons.

Sam leans over to whisper, "How much longer do you think we'll have to stay cramped in this corner for?" Looking over, I could see her blue eyes sliding to mine, with heavy lids as she suppresses a yawn.

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