Don't try to get between a drunk girl and her Taco Bell

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Hi guys,

I am so sorry for not having updated this in so long, but I have finally returned! I will be updating more frequently and consistently from here on out. I have finally outlined the rest of the story and know where I want to take it! I hope you like this chapter, I wanted to have something a little lighter after that rollercoaster of the previous one. Thank you all for your support and patience. I deeply appreciate it <3


Chapter 16: Damian's POV:

His blood still thudding in his ears, Damian continues to ride the adrenaline high as he leads her and Sam outside, with his brothers close on their heels. Despite her drunken protests not to be dicks and "Irish goodbye," he gently steers her outside, gripping her a little closer to him when she shivers. The frigid air has them all hunkering down and picking up our pace as we walk to the car.

His heartbeat slows to a steady, powerful rhythm as he allows the bitter wind to settle into his skin like a soothing balm. His formidable temper melts into a new and unwelcome sensation of disquietude when he registers both her and Sam's uncharacteristically void expressions.

Silently, they enter the vehicle, with Drake and Todd in the front and the three of them in the back, with her in the middle. The only sounds that can be heard are the engine coming to life and the blistering wind whipping the bare limbs of trees. His concern soars as she unblinkingly stares straight ahead despite the motion of the car, prompting him to delicately reach over her to buckle her seat belt.

Flicking his eyes at the rearview mirror, Damian catches the echoing glances of both his brothers, who promptly sport furrowed brows in response. A suffocating weight settles deeper into Damian's chest as each second of silence stretches into moments. Looking at her, he watches closely for any sign of emotion in her glazed eyes before gently taking her hand.

This must be how she processes arduous situations.

Looking back at the road, he uses the pad of his thumb to lightly rub cadenced circles on the back of her petite hand. When he realizes he doesn't know how to comfort them properly, he watches the dim street lights illuminate a gentle hue of light upon the equally disgusting and sparkling streets of Gotham.

A soft gasp breaks the silence, drawing everyone's attention to the source before detestable shame can burrow into his gut. Sam, having finally processed the events of tonight, angles her body towards her and grabs her hands gently. Trying to extrapolate his brother's reactions, Damian keeps a close eye on them without making so much as a whisper of noise.

He doesn't want to interfere in a moment as charged as this one.

Emotions pour out of Sam as if a floodgate has been obliterated, and she begins apologizing profusely as crocodile tears stream down her ruddy face. Her admonishment and self-appointed guilt snaps (Y/N) out of her stupor as her head whirls in her direction.

Damian is simultaneously grateful to Sam for being the one to snap her out of a nearly comatose state but equally aggrieved by the fact that he could not achieve such a response. Unable to see her face now that she's turned towards Sam, he watches the exchange over her shoulder as the both of them hold onto each other. Sam continues to profusely apologize, while she rebuts with tears liberally flowing.

Relief pounds through him with an undercurrent of discomfort as she finally allows her emotions to be purged. In an attempt to be respectful of both of their fragile and vulnerable states, he and his brothers try to focus on the road. He fixes his gaze on Todd and catalogs the dropped shoulders, unclenched fists, and slightly parted mouth.

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