The Fated Registration

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Hi guys!

Once again thank you all for the kudos and the support, I really appreciate it. I know I tagged this as a slow burn and it has been very slow, but we're finally getting a small taste of some tension. This chapter has been one of my favorites to write so far and I'm so excited to write more. If you have any suggestions, questions, or ideas please feel free to comment, I love seeing new perspectives and opinions.


Chapter Text

Y/N POV: Sunday

The bridal shower had been amazing, and by the bridal shower, I specifically mean the beautiful spread of meats, cheeses, jams, and fruit. As well as the adorable and delightful finger sandwiches that were skewered with pastel cellophane-tipped toothpicks. The entire event was perfectly executed and went off without a hitch, except, of course, for the mother-in-law, who wore white, feigning innocence when her son called her out for it.

Overall, the weekend had been a complete success; between the luxurious spa treatments, drag show, axe throwing, and speakeasy, I was exhausted. Currently, I'm in the passenger seat of Alina's navy blue 2015 BMW, hanging on for dear life as she guns it down the highway since the venue for the shower is nearly 45 minutes away from city hall. Alina, the bride, and her sister Izzy are chatting away about some of the best gifts she received from her family, while her fiancé, Eduardo, and I casually talk about how perfectly the surprise turned out.

Since the shower ended at 2:30, they had an hour to get to city hall in the heart of Gotham, which was projected to take 45 minutes, but with the way Alina is driving, we would be there in 30, which still didn't give us enough time to go to my house and change. As a result, we're dressed to the nines and going to city hall to get me registered with my soulmate.

I had tentatively floated the idea of Alina and Eduardo being my witnesses, knowing that it would fall on the same day as her bridal shower, and I didn't want to take away from her moment, but they both immediately jumped on it. In fact, they couldn't be happier and kept on saying that it would be an honor, which may or may not have made my eyes sweat ... a lot.

I would have asked Izzy to be my third witness if it weren't for the fact that she is also 17, but regardless, I knew I wanted her there as well. It was a pretty important day for me, whether or not my soulmate thought so too. They're more than friends to me at this point; they're my family by choice, a choice that was mutually made years ago and is still going strong today.

The closer we get to City Hall, the more conversations in the car cease in nervous anticipation. Earlier today, Eduardo grilled me on anything and everything Damian related, in a protective brotherly way, to which I embarrassingly had very few answers. Despite us sharing nearly every class together for the last three years, I know little about him. I know he's highly intelligent, with extreme confidence that crosses the border into arrogance, and an entire horde of girls are absolutely obsessed with him.

The older and taller he got, the larger the fan club grew, which was a huge source of entertainment for Sam and me and a source of irritation for Damian. Although he never outright said anything to them, even though he probably should, it was obvious (at least to me) that the attention made him bristle.

For as long as I've known him, I have never seen him seriously date anyone. Every once in a while, he would take Jennifer Van Buren to a school dance, but I could tell he was always uncomfortable. Unfortunately, she wasn't as perceptive as me, or she simply chose to ignore it, because she never seemed to notice or care that he was totally uninterested in her. I think he did it because she had the right pedigree, and it just made sense. They were cut from the same cloth, and their fathers knew each other well, so why not? However, it seemed that what little attention he did give her went straight to her head because shortly after the first 'date' they went on, she appointed herself his 'girlfriend' and the leader of his fan club. Now, any and every girl that looked at him was a threat that she was more than happy to squash, meaning I was now at the top of her hit list... Lucky me.

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