The Consequences of His Actions

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Hi guys,

Hope you're all doing well. I have returned to Damian's POV, which I'm really enjoying. It's always such a fun challenge writing him and his dynamics with people. Things are about to start picking up pace, which I'm pumped to write. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!


Damian's POV:

The vicious rumors are flying far faster than Damian can stop them. He knows she has seen it already, not because she's told him, but rather because, for the first time since the bond, she's avoided him like the plague. Usually, he can always see her from the corner of his eye, but today she's nowhere to be seen. A fact that has his heart racing and his hands balling into fists.

This picture of Jennifer leaning on him was taken last week while he was waiting for her in the library alcove. The most infuriating part is that he hadn't realized anyone else was there, probably because he was too focused on glowering at the girl hanging off him. But, of course, the photo didn't capture his irritation, meaning the photographer had to have timed it perfectly.

The implication is that he has been set up. This was no mere accident, nor had anyone simply stumbled upon them; no, this was a calculated move. One intended to hurt his reputation and further estrange the two of us.

Scowling, he continues walking through the hallways toward his last class, glaring at anyone that makes eye contact with him. Whatever they see in his eyes is enough to have them shrinking back and casting their gazes to the floor.

Satisfied with their reaction, he realizes that he will have some major damage control to do when he confronts her about it. Internally grimacing, he, perhaps for the first time, finds himself anxious at the prospect of her reaction. A multitude of scenarios flicker through his mind as he sits through this agonizing class. Since the last two classes of the day are the only two we don't share, he'll have to wait until she's released from track practice to speak with her.

As he predicts the trajectory of the conversation, it dawns on him that each version of her has a varying reaction to the news, making his mouth go dry. The realization that he doesn't know her well enough to calculate her response has him gnashing his teeth. A new, unfamiliar wave of anxiety settles heavily in his stomach as he repeatedly creates potential dialogues in his mind.

Get a grip.

Abandoning his failed analysis, his mind forcibly delves into thoughts of her. He finds himself, more than once, unable to do anything other than see her face in his mind. After feeling her in his arms, he cannot seem to think of much else.

Damian knows that keeping his distance is what is best for her and for their collective reputation, as evidenced by the fact that this week has gone by without any incidents or 'breaking stories'. However, he's reluctantly coming to terms with the fact that his valiant effort to protect her by ignoring her seems to be all for naught. Not often has Damian been wrong, but it seems this may be one of those rare occasions.

Releasing a quiet and aggravated breath, he theorizes that the damning photo of him and Jennifer will more than likely grace the front page of tomorrow's tabloids.

He needs to do some immediate damage control.

But first, it is imperative that he speak with her. We need to be a team and present ourselves as a unified pair, or else the media vultures will tear them to shreds. The thought of how they will treat her makes fury seep through his veins. Begrudgingly, he admits to himself that he may need the help of his father and brothers.

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