The Untraversed Depths of a Soulmate Bond

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Hi guys,

I know I left you with a cliffhanger so I wanted to finish this one so you don't have to wait long to find out what happens. Thank you all who have been so patient with me since the beginning of this fanfic journey. I want you to know I appreciate you and I'm so excited to see where this story goes ;)

Enjoy! <3

Chapter Text

Damian's POV: 5 p.m. onward

As Damian watches the plume of dust being kicked up from the tires of the car she is in, he can't help but feel useless in this situation. With his hands in his pockets, he continues to watch until the unremitting rays of the sun swallow the car into their blinding golden hues. For several minutes longer, he just stands there, watching the sun encroach on the horizon as the evening air begins to get crisp and cooler.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he checks the time, predicting an incoming text from her within 20 minutes. When he offered to come with her in the car, he was being genuine but was secretly delighted when she politely declined. As much as he wants to spend more time with her, he needs to speak to his father privately about this situation.

At that reminder, Damian turns back inside and ascends the stairs two at a time in search of him. As he reaches the landing, he can't help but smile at the memory of how in awe she was of his home. He had never truly given the historical reverence of this manor much thought since he had always been surrounded by resplendent luxury. But seeing his home through her eyes instilled a new appreciation for the old manor—one he doubts anyone else could grant him.

Stopping just shy of the office doors, he decides to politely knock before opening them and stepping through. This time, his father is seated behind his desk as he swiftly moves his hands across the computer keyboard. Sparing him a quick look, he says, "Come in, son; I assume there is more you wish to discuss."

Closing the door behind him, Damian wordlessly seats himself on the couch they had previously shared, feeling an odd ping of longing as he glances at the spot she had just so recently occupied.

Clearing his thoughts, he looks at his father, who has returned his focus to his computer.

"I'm sure you're aware that the photo has already leaked online." Hands intertwined in his lap, he waits for his father's response as he feels mounting anger and frustration reacquaint themselves in his chest. The tightening sensation has his nostrils flaring and his lip curling at the memory of her reaction to the article Jason showed her.

He should have never shown that lurid article to her.

When he saw the photo himself, he barely managed to keep his rage in check. What he really wanted to do was throw the phone out the window, but he knew that would frighten her. He hadn't realized that he had crushed the mobile device until Todd made an unnecessary fuss about it. Remembering the obscene language he used in front of her that made her shift away from them and physically recoil makes Damian's blood boil.

Inhaling deeply through his nose, he brings himself back to the present just as his father replies softly, "I have, unfortunately." Looking at him, he can see the truth in his words as he catalogs the tightness around his mouth and the slight tension-filled crease in his forehead. "I have contacted the PR team, and they are doing their best to confine it to only this one publication, but the likelihood of them being successful is quite low. Our best bet is to try to stop this from going to print. Which reminds me... " As he trails off, he picks up the landline and quickly dials a number.

Rather than interrupt his father, Damian sits there listening to the dial tone and looks around the room at the specific places where he noticed her (E/C) eyes brighten the most. Unsurprisingly, the bookcases were the first thing she honed in on, followed by the window, and lastly, which he found fascinating, was the way her face scrunched in curiosity when she noticed the coffee table.

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