Uncharted Territory

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Hi guys!

Hope you're all doing well! I am so excited about this chapter. This one will help set the tone for the entire piece. Also, this chapter is heavy on dialogue, but I think it will be enjoyable. Let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or critiques, I love hearing them!

Disclaimer: there is mention of sexual assault and death.


Chapter Text

(Y/N) POV:

The photographer opens the door that we came through, saying,

"Congratulations once again; you're both officially registered soulmates," with more excitement than I was expecting.

Both of us mumble our 'thank you' and quickly find ourselves reunited with our party in the lobby of the building, all eyes turning to us as we exit.

Jason, Dick, and Eduardo are all waggling their eyebrows with mischief in their eyes, while Tim, Izzy, and Alina are not doing their best to suppress a knowing grin on their faces. Meanwhile, Mr. Wayne and Mr. Pennyworth are looking down at their phones seriously.

Damian, noticing his father's serious face, asks warily,

"Is something the matter?" while ignoring the stares from his brothers. At his question, Mr. Wayne's attention snaps towards them, his face relaxing while he says,

"Yes, I was just confirming the reservation for our dinner party. We need to be there in thirty minutes, but there is a slight problem."

"What sort of problem?" Damian replies, his voice dipping. Unintentionally, he angles his body in front of mine, partially blocking me from view.

"Nothing too serious, son. The paparazzi have discovered our location and are currently blocking all the exits. We'll have to go through them."

Damian huffs out a breath and takes a step back, seemingly unsurprised by the answer.

"That was bound to happen." He says nonchalantly, but with a small frown tugging at his lips.

"How many are we talking about?" I ask, trying my best to sound uninterested when, in reality, I can feel my heart rate kick up a notch.

Frowning, Mr. Wayne answers, "Probably more than usual considering the circumstances." I inwardly wince at his response. That's what I was afraid of.

"I will go ahead and get the car and pull it up as close as I can get, so your journey through the mongrels is a short one." Mr. Pennyworth says in a tight voice and promptly walks toward the exit. My friends outwardly recoil at the word mongrels, making me, in turn, flinch at their reaction.

"I think it would be best if you 3 left before us and just met us at the restaurant. If (Y/N) is seen with you, they'll hound you, which can be dangerous to navigate since none of you have any experience with this." Dick says apologetically.

They look like they want to protest, but eventually nod solemnly.

"I'll see you guys in 15 minutes, ok? Call me if something goes wrong...promise me." I practically plead. Of course, they agree, and after quick hugs, they make their way to the same doors Mr. Pennyworth went through.

Watching their retreating backs, I can't help but feel as if my world is coming out from under me. Everything is changing so fast that I feel like I'm getting whiplash. Becoming a public figure isn't the worst thing that's happened to me, but it's certainly one of the most impactful ones. Nothing will ever be the same, I realize as I see the three of them all clasp hands, put their heads down, and walk into the flashing lights. Luckily, the lights only flash once, the paparazzi, realizing none of us were with them, lost interest.

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