Coming to Terms

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Hi guys,

I just wanted to say thank you for all your support so far, I really appreciate it.

BTW: The order of POVs will be dependent on the scene so there may be two in a row of the same, just one or a spilt POV chapter.


Damian's POV: Sunday

The media frenzy has begun, and as Damian Wayne, there is nothing he can do.

Even as Robin his hands are tied.

It would be too obvious for Robin to intervene on her behalf, most likely giving his identity away.

He is furious. After his morning training routine, he returned to his room to find his phone blowing up. Almost literally, if being nearly too hot to touch was any indication. Sweat dripped down his back, face, and neck as he tried to even out his breath without crushing his phone in his hand.

Of course, the first news outlets to jump on this were the sleazy ones like the Daily Mail, TMZ, and others like it.

Headlines ranging from "Damian Wayne finds his soulmate—who's the lucky mystery girl", and "Everything you need to know about Damian Wayne's Soulmate - exclusive content", to deplorable ones like "Orphans stick together—the tragic parallel lives of (F/N) (L/N) and Bruce Wayne." and "The orphan with ambitions—read all about the premeditated run for the Wayne fortune".

For the next half hour, he scours through the articles, text messages, and social media outlets for anything and everything about her. The deeper he goes, the worse it gets. Some outlets claim an inside source told them that she has secretly been planning this for months in advance; others claim it was love at first sight, but the ones that send his heart racing are the profiles on her. The ones that tear apart her life come to whatever conclusions they want. Conclusions the general (stupid) public won't question.

Forgetting about the time and whatever else he was supposed to be doing, Damian sits down in the chair near his bed, leans his elbow on the arm, and continues scrolling through. Sucking in a sharp breath and pausing on one article, he almost cannot believe his eyes. They have printed a blown-up picture of her on picture day junior year, and next to it is a copy of the police report detailing her parents' deaths.


How the hell did they even get access to that? He will ask Bruce or Tim about this particular one. He knows that he can't do anything publicly to these reporters, but he can arm himself with knowledge of who these people are, who they love, and what they value most in life.

He barely knows her, and that makes his extreme reaction to these articles even more confusing. Why should he care? It's not like he didn't expect this to happen, but seeing it happen is something entirely different. Having decided he's had enough, Damian puts his phone down and starts getting ready for the day.

Freshly showered and dressed in his usual black turtleneck and slacks, Damian enters the dining room to see that his brothers and father have already started breakfast without him. Sparing him a glance, Tim gives him a small smile as he sits down next to him in his usual seat to the right of his father.

"I'm assuming you've seen the news today," Bruce says without looking up, lifting a cup of coffee to his lips.

"I have, father. Have you seen the one with the police report yet?" Damian responds with an even tone, while Pennyworth places his breakfast of a Mediterranean omelet in front of him with feta, spinach, and diced tomatoes.

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