The Audacity of Men with Cargo Pants and Nikons

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Hi guys,

I apologize for the long wait for this chapter, but between moving and taking care of a sick family member, I have been tied up. I will hopefully be returning to a regular schedule from this point forward. I hope you enjoy this chapter and are all staying safe and healthy out there!


Chapter 10:

(Y/N) POV: A week and a half later: Wednesday

For a chilly mid-October day, today is uncharacteristically bright and sunny, a fact that I not so secretly delight in. All bundled up in my Matrix length black wool trench coat, I slow my brisk pace to a leisurely stroll as I deeply inhale the crisp scent of fall, savoring this rare opportunity I have to walk outside freely.

After I woke up surprisingly well rested and to the sun streaming in through my chiffon drapes, I texted Sam and told her that I planned to walk to school today so I could make the most of the day. After a few messages back and forth of me trying to alleviate her concerns about my safety, I promised her that I would still sneak out of the house as if I were being picked up by her.

I already planned to do just that; there was no chance in hell that I was going to just step out the front door into a swarm of paparazzi. Since that photo leaked of Jennifer and Damian, the paparazzi have become a permanent fixture on my front lawn. Before the photo was released, there were maybe four or five of them, but now there are at least ten at any given moment.

With the stakes being raised and them being more desperate – I've gotten more creative with my escape routes. I no longer just sneak out the side door and duck between alleyways. I've started sneaking through my back door, going through the tunnels that connect the rows of townhouses on our block. The tunnels were built way back in the day—even before the houses were built—so that whenever maintenance needed to be done, the workers could come and go without being seen by residents and pedestrians alike.

This little hidden gem has gotten me in and out of my home undetected for over a week now. I've considered calling this my 'tried and true' method since it has yet to fail me. Using this route this morning went as smoothly as usual, making my decision to walk easier. The real challenge will be sneaking past the paparazzi on the way into the school.

Halfway to school, I find myself stuck behind a particularly slow walker who is taking up nearly the entire sidewalk while talking on their phone loudly. Another commuter and I quickly share a mildly annoyed yet entertained look before we quickly and simultaneously pass the inconsiderate individual. Chuckling at the oddly serendipitous moment we just shared, I go back to listening to my music and reflecting on this past week and how it's felt like a fever dream. One that I'm terrified to wake up from just to find myself back to square one with Damian.

It feels almost too good to be true—almost, but not quite.

Despite the big step we took toward establishing a healthier relationship, we've barely been able to speak to one another. Between the grueling schedule of midterms and our agreement to refrain from public displays of affection, we haven't had a moment to ourselves, let alone time with one another.

Damian has been true to his word – no longer ignoring me, he has been dead set on consciously walking me to my classes, sitting with me and Sam at lunch, stealing heated glances when nobody is looking, and sometimes – when the halls are clear – we lock pinky fingers discreetly.

As much as I hate to admit it, these small gestures have lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders. I haven't had time to really think about much other than midterms lately, but I have noticed that my chest no longer feels as constricted.

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