S1E2: The Weirdo On Maple Street

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"Y/n, come in...." Dustin's muffled voice says from my Supercom. I open one eye and glance over at my alarm clock. Through my unfocused, blurred vision I make out the green glow-in-the-dark hands pointing at 1:30 am. I throw my covers off my bed and drag myself up, searching for the damn Supercom. It's times like these that I regret ever joining the boys' party. "Y/n, pick up right now. I swear to God, if you have lost this thing again—"

I finally find it underneath my bed and grab it. "Dustin, I'm here," I say, letting a yawn escape my lips and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Now, what's the big emergency?"

"You need to get over here to Mike's house, right now."

I trudge to my window, parting my blinds and looking out into the darkness at the rain pouring down. A flash of lightning streaks across the sky and thunder rumbles overhead. "No way. I'm not going out in that."


"Dustin, I'll get struck by lightning! No way!"

"Are you telling her?" Mike's voice says in the background. "I told you not to tell her!"

That piques my interest. I search for my flashlight and raincoat while the boys bicker. Screw getting electrocuted, I'm finding out what's going on, I think as I pull on my yellow raincoat.

"She's my neighbor and she's cool. She won't tell anyone!" Dustin says.

"Hey, dipshits, I can hear you, you know?" I ask, hopping out my window so my family won't know I'm leaving.

"Shit," Dustin says and the line goes silent.

The cold rain patters off the back of my raincoat and drips off the top of my hood and into my face. The orange glow of the pole lights light up the raindrops clinging to my lashes like liquid fire. I park my bike at Mike's house, miraculously not getting fried to a crisp by the lightning. I don't even have to knock. Mike already stands at the back door, reluctantly opening it to let me in.

"Take your shoes off," he whispers to me.

"What? Why?" I whisper back.

"I don't want them to squeak."

I roll my eyes and undo the laces of my shoes, pulling them off and carrying them with me as I follow Mike to the basement in my socks. We're careful not to let any floorboards creak or doors to squeak.

"She tried to get naked," Dustin says from the basement as we walk down the steps.

"What is all this about?" I ask, alarmed that a girl was trying to get naked, and also worried the boys have gotten into some kind of trouble. "What naked girl?"

Dustin looks at me with wide eyes. "She just went like..." he motions taking a shirt off and knocks his red, white, and blue cap off his head. His head of curly brown hair springing out now that it's been freed.

"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst," Lucas says.

"Who?" I ask.

"From where?" Mike asks.

"The nuthouse in Kerley County."

"You got a lot of family there?" Dustin asks Lucas.

"Bite me. Seriously though, think about it.
That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy."

"Why she went like..." Dustin motions pulling a shirt off again.

"Would somebody tell me what the hell is going on?!" I snap and the boys shut up.

"We found a girl in the woods while we were looking for Will and we brought her home," Mike explains.

"Then where is she now?"

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