S2E2: Trick or Treat, Freak

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Buckle up, y'all.
TW: A drunk guy trying to get with y/n despite her saying no. 1 mention of rape towards the end. I'll put a marker for when the TW starts & ends. There's also drinking.

I realize it's a good thing my mom drove me to Tina's house and dropped me off a little ways down the street, because her driveway is so full mom never would've found a parking spot.

Shout at the Devil blares from the speakers as I walk by all the parked cars and to the front door. Empty beer bottles are scattered across the yard and pieces of toilet paper litter the trees. The strong smell of all different kinds of alcohol pollutes the air.

Inside, the living room is packed full of teens in their costumes, partying their heads off. Some dance with their lips locked, others shake their asses in short skirts. Toilet paper streamers fly through the air. It's the wildest party Hawkins has seen in a long time.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington," a guy says, approaching Steve and Nancy.

Billy, the new Keg King, follows the guy. He's wearing a leather jacket without a shirt underneath. He drags on his cigarette between his lips and eyes Steve with dislike.

"Yeah, that's right!" Says another guy they're with, harshly pointing at Steve. "Eat it, Harrington."

I imagine Steve rolled his eyes at the comment, but since he's once again wearing his dark Ray Ban sunglasses inside, I can't tell. I can't help but wonder what the point of wearing sunglasses inside is. Maybe he's always hungover?

"Punch?" A girl walking around handing out drinks asks me, holding up a red solo cup.

"Sure, thanks." I take the cup from her hand and sip on it. The red liquid burns my throat as it goes down, but leaves a pleasant fruity taste on my tongue. I grab another one from her for later.

Nancy leaves the douche boy gang and I follow her. "Hey, y/n," she says. "I was hoping you'd be here. Great costume!"

"Yeah, hey... thanks. So what's up with the new guy?" I jab my thumb towards Billy.

"I don't know much about him. Just that he moved here with his sister Max from California. Why?"

We walk by a table of clearly intoxicated girls.

I shrug. "Just curious."

Nancy leans over the punch bowl on the counter. A white steam hovers above the red liquid in the bowl. "What's in this?" She asks the guy standing by it and drinking.

"Pure fuel! Pure fuel! Whoo!" He pounds his chest and belches.

"That's disgusting," I say lowly. Nancy fills her cup with the pure fuel and downs the whole thing. "Woah, Nance, are you sure you wanna get drunk?" I ask.

"Yes." She says flatly, taking another sip.

"Hey... Whoa, whoa!" Steve pushes through the crowd to get to us. "Hey... Whoa! Take it easy. Nance, Nance..."

She turns to face him with her arms in a, what? position. "We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" She dips her cup back in the punch and begins drinking, tilting her head back as the red beverage trickles down the side of her mouth like blood. Her eyes remain on Steve as she wipes her lips and walks off.

"Jesus, this isn't good," he mutters to himself, leaning on the bar.

"Has she ever been drunk before?" I ask, pouring myself some more in a cup.

He kind of jumps when I speak. Like he didn't realize I was there. "Not like this."

"She's in for a rough day tomorrow." I take a sip. Steve looks over at me with a raised brow. "What?" I ask.

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