S2E4: Will the Wise

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"Y/l/n, wait!" Steve shouts from behind me. "What's happening?"

I don't have an answer for him. Not yet at least. All I can focus on right now is running and not falling and skinning myself up on the pavement. I've been embarrassed enough lately as it is. I reach the grassy field just as Joyce, Lucas, Dustin, and Max run to the scene.

Standing in the middle of the open grassy area is Will. Next to him is Mike, repeatedly tapping him on the shoulder and telling him to wake up.

I reach them and bend over panting, trying to catch my breath. "What's... wrong...?" I gasp out.

"I just found him like this!" Mike yells as the others join us, including Steve. "I think he's having another episode!"

"An episode of what?" I ask, looking at Will's eyes rolling in the back of his head.

"He doesn't look so good," Steve notes very helpfully.

Joyce grabs Will's shoulders and tries shaking him. "Will? Will?!"

He doesn't respond.

"Sweetie, wake up. It's me! It's mom!" She taps his cheek. "Will, wake up! Can you hear me?" She continues to shout, but Will remains standing still with his eyes rolling back. The rest of us stand back and watch. There's nothing we can do.

Then all of a sudden, his eyes shoot open and he gasps. His eyes are wide in fright and wildly shifting around. He's terrified. His chest rises and falls with each heavy, rapid breath.

Joyce hugs him tightly, telling him he's okay now. That she's here.

Our walk back to the parking lot is silent, none of us sure what to say after that. It was like he was having a seizure. It makes me wonder if any of this has to do with the Upside Down again. It seems all the weird things that happen has to do with that other dimension.

Maybe Will has formed a connection to the place since he was stuck there for so long last year.

Joyce walks Will to her car, the two of them leaving to go back home. The rest of us stand on the steps of the middle school, watching the green Ford Pinto drive off.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out," Max says. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Yeah, that was... freaky," Steve agrees.

"It totally freaked me out," I admit. "How long has this been happening?"

"A while," Mike says.

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas leans on the railing.

"It's getting worse."

"What's happening to him exactly?" I ask.

Mike looks down. "We don't really know."

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asks.

"What's True Sight?" Max asks.

Mike subtly shakes his head no, and Lucas drops the subject. "It's nothing."

"It's like Charles Xavier's telepathic powers, I think," I say a little unsurely. "But why would you think Will has True Sight?"

"From the X-Men?" She asks me.

"Yeah, you're into comics?"

She nods. "But that's all just made up, right? This is real life, not a comic book."

Mike fervently shakes his head no, warning me not to go any further. All the boys look at me, wondering what I'm going to tell her. I rub my neck. "Yeah, right. Made up."

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