S4E5: The Nina Project Part 2

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TW: vecna in a silly goofy mood

3rd person pov

"Y/n!" Steve shouts, shaking her shoulders.

Y/n stands rooted to the floor, eyes rolling back in her head. Steve never left her. He saw the moment it happened. The way she suddenly dropped his hand in the hallway. Her Walkman had suddenly quit playing and hit the floor with a thud.

"Guys!" He shouts desperately.

He picks up the Walkman and opens it, cursing when he realizes the tape has been eaten by the player. With trembly fingers, he tries to carefully pull the delicate tape out without creasing or tearing it. If that happened, the cassette would be trash.

"Let me." Nancy comes into the room (followed by the others) and takes the cassette from Steve. Her hands are much steadier than his, and more nimble.

"No, no, no, no." Robin grabs y/n by the shoulders. "Y/n, stay with us. Y/n!"

Steve stands up and starts pacing. He rakes his hand through his hair. "I knew it. I knew we shouldn't have come here. Nancy, what the hell is taking so long!?"

"This is gonna take a minute," she snaps back, very carefully pulling the tape out and untangling it.

"We don't have a minute." Steve harshly rubs his eyes with his palms. "Damn it."

"Y/n, I know you can't hear this," Max begins, her tone serious, "but don't listen to anything Vecna tells you, or shows you. We're going to get you out, don't worry."

Steve stops his pacing and walks over to y/n. "Y/n/n, please hold on a little longer."

Y/n pov

My hand trails along the wall of the hallway until I reach the room I had just seen Steve disappear into moments ago. I turn the doorknob and enter the pitch black room.

"Steve?" I ask, shining my flashlight around. "Are you in here?"

Something lunges from the shadows at me. I scream and instinctively turn to run out the door, but it has been blocked with a chest of drawers.

"You did this to me," a female voice says.

She's almost unrecognizable. I'd only seen her around school a few times, and never spoke to her or anything, but still... I know who she is.


Her eyes are hollow and lifeless, her pale skin has a tint of blue and the appearance of a decaying corpse. Her red hair is matted and falling out in clumps.

"Barb?" I ask.

"If you hadn't run away from the Demogorgon like the coward you are, then you could've warned me. You saw it first, right in front of Steve's house. You knew we were in the backyard. You knew it was vicious, and yet, you ran away."

"I'm sorry." My voice quivers. I can't tear my eyes off of her terrifying, zombie-like appearance.

"My best friend, Nancy, she blames herself. But I think it's all your fault."

I shove the drawers out from in front of the door and run away.

This is Vecna's doing. Only he could resurrect the dead to torture me. This is the climax of his curse. I'm sure he's watching me while he feasts on my fear. Like I'm a contestant on a sick and twisted game show, where the grand prize will be my demise.

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