S4E3: The Monster and the Superhero

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Y/f/s — your favorite song

Eddie stayed in Reefer Rick's boathouse last night while the rest of us returned to our homes. Today we're all out shopping for supplies for Eddie, since it looks like he'll be stuck hiding out for a while.

"Why don't we get KFC?" Steve suggests. "I'll buy everyone's meal. We can take some back to Eddie."

"I appreciate your generosity," I say, "but it's five-thirty in the morning. They don't open 'til eleven."

"Oh, right."

Steve parks at Melvald's General Store and we all go inside. I grab one of the small shopping carts and push it around as Dustin grabs things off the shelves. A box of Little Debbie cakes, some cereal, Yoo Hoos.

"Should we get him something, I don't know... a little healthier?" I ask.

"He's stressed out and needs good food, not healthy," Dustin insists.

"Okay, okay." I pull my Walkman out and put in my favorite song. I let the headphones rest around my neck with the volume up loud enough I can hear the song without putting them on.

Steve walks over, toting more food in his arms. "I got Doritos and Vienna Fingers." He sets the chips and cookies down in the cart. "What are you listening to?" He asks me.

"It's (y/f/s). It's basically been on repeat for me lately."

"I didn't know you liked them."

I smile at him. "I'm a long time fan."

Dustin holds up a box of 3 Musketeers. "For me?"

I sigh. "Fine."

He grins and puts it in the shopping cart.

The cassette ends and I stuff my headphones and player back in my bag. I make a mental note to rewind the cassette later.

I walk around the aisle to where the canned goods are. Eddie doesn't need anything that goes with a meal; like corn, green beans, that kind of stuff. I sniff my runny nose and pick up a can of Spaghetti O's. A red spot of blood splatters on top of the can.

"What the..." I mutter, bringing my hand up to rub my nose. Blood streaks across the back of my fingers.

I almost drop the can. It's alarming—having blood smeared across the back of your hand from your nose. I don't remember anything ever happening to me...

"Y/n?" Steve asks.

I turn to face him with blood dripping from my nose and smeared across the back of my hand. His eyes widen in shock and he rushes forward.

"What the hell?" He asks, unsure of what to do. "Are you hurt? What happened?"

"I don't know. My nose just started bleeding."

"I get them, too," Max says, appearing in the aisle.

"Do you know what causes them?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "No idea."

Steve takes me to the pharmacy aisle and opens a pack of gauze.

"I must have a deviated septum or something," I theorize. "Or it's allergies, a dry nose, something like that."

Steve concentrates on blotting the blood off my lips. "You need to go to the doctor," he says.

"No, it's okay. It doesn't hurt or anything. I'll go after all this stuff with Eddie blows over."

He pulls his hand back and his eyes become concerned. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay. Here—" he pulls out a long strand of the gauze and cuts it. "Hold this to it 'til it quits bleeding."

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