S4E1: The Hellfire Club

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Y/f/m—your favorite movie

Dear diary,
It's been 8 months since it all went down (for the third time now). 8 months sounds like a long time, but doesn't feel like it. It feels like it all happened yesterday.

I miss the Byers a lot. Hawkins isn't the same without them. I've called several times and talked to El and Will, and sometimes Joyce. Mike is going to visit spring break, and I wanted to go with him, but Keith wouldn't let me off work.

I've finally saved up enough money for college, so maybe I can attend in the fall. I haven't mentioned it to Steve or anyone yet because I'm not sure which university I'll be accepted into. I've got to get on the application process, like, right now.

Everyone's doing okay. Lucas joined the Hawkins High basketball team. He's the best bench sitter on the team. Steve is proud of him. He likes to give Lucas pointers and show him some moves.

Lucas, Dustin, and Mike joined the Hellfire Club. Eddie was very happy about that. He's been wanting them as members ever since I had told him they were into D&D back in my sophomore year.

Max is still grieving the loss of Billy. Ever since Billy died, she's been much more closed off than usual. It's been really hard on her, especially since it's just her and her mom now. I've tried my best to be there for her. If she needed anything, I told her to come to me. She hasn't yet, and I doubt she will. She's not the kind to open up, even if she's really hurting.

All we can do is get by day by day.

8 months since the disaster also means 8 months I've been with Steve. 8 wonderful months. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so lucky to have him. He really has made all the tragedies bearable. I know it's cheesy, but he's the light in my life.

A familiar horn honks. I shut my diary and cram it under my dresser, then grab my bag and head out the door.

Steve is parked on the side of the road in front of the house. I open the passenger side door and get in.

"Good morning," he says happily.

"Good morning. Why are you in such a good mood?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Ohhh... no reason. Do I need a reason to be happy?"

I buckle my seatbelt. "Judging by the size of your smile and the happiness in your voice? Yes."

"Y'know Keith isn't going to be in office today."

"What about it?" I ask.

"Nothing about it. Just telling you. Also, I have a surprise for you."

My brows raise. "Oh?"


I wait a second, hoping he'll tell me more about it. "Are you gonna tell me...?"



Not knowing burns me up inside.

We drive to Robin's house to pick her up. There's a big pep rally gathering at the school today that she's going to.

He parks outside her house and honks. She comes out the door in a rush, her arms full of her band uniform, backpack, books, and trumpet in its case. The feathers on her hat in her arms keeps tickling her in the face. She keeps having to spit the feathers out of her mouth.

"I'm coming," she says, as she runs down the steps, almost tripping at the bottom. She throws the car door open and dumps her stuff into the backseats, then climbs in afterwards. "I'm here."

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