S4E7: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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Steve's screams echo through the Upside Down.

I run across the vast area as fast as my wet shoes will allow me. The terrain is less than ideal, basically being the bottom of Lovers Lake in our world, just without water and with more vines to trip over.

A bat looking monster has its long tail coiled around Steve's neck, pinning him to the ground. Two more bats sink their razor sharp teeth into his abdomen. I would've thought he was dead if it wasn't for the screams of agony and thrashing around.

An oar lies to his side. I pick it up, ramming it into a bat with every ounce of strength I have. It screeches in pain and crawls away.

"Go to hell," I pant, bringing the oar down on another bat. It flies away crookedly.

The final bat is harder to bash away because its tail is wrapped tightly around Steve's neck. Robin runs over to it and stomps it, pinning it to the ground as I beat it repeatedly with the end of my oar, screaming, DIE YOU FUCKING MONSTER. Robin slams the metal end of her flashlight into the side of its head.

Pain sears through my back. A bat sinks its claws deeper into me, making me gasp. The weight of the monster makes my knees buckle and I hit the ground. It crawls onto my chest, putting its weight on my breasts.

"Robin, a little help?" I grunt, trying to push it off. It chomps at me, wanting to rip my face off with its bare teeth.

Robin, who was still trying to help Steve, rushes over. "Sorry."

She grabs it by the tail and tries to pull it off me. Nancy grabs the oar, putting it between me and the bat to stop its teeth from sinking into my face. I scream.

It's jerked off me with such force some bones snap in its tail. Robin then swings it around, slamming it onto the ground. Nancy raises the oar and brings it down on it, smashing it like a cockroach. Blood spews out of its face and it shrieks, then goes still.

Steve fights his own bat, that he has gotten off his neck. He grips it by the tail, slamming it into the ground repeatedly. Eddie swings his oar around like a baseball bat, knocking bats out of the sky and screaming curses at them.

Blood splatters on the ground as Steve bangs his bat on the dried up lake bed one last time. He puts his bare foot on its body and jerks it by the tail, ripping the monster in half, right down the center of its body. Steve breath heavily, looking down at the dead, mutilated bat. Blood drips from his mouth. He throws the half of the bat he was holding behind him carelessly.

I rush over to him immediately. "Are you okay?" I ask shakily and out of breath.

He looks down at his bare abdomen. His fingertips hover over the deep gashes in his sides and stomach. Blood oozes from them, trickling down his sweaty skin.

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better." He cracks half a smile. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, y/l/n."

I breathe out. "Shut up Harrington." I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him fiercely, but careful not to hurt his wounds. "I thought I was gonna lose you."

"Yeah," he says into my neck. "I wasn't sure, either." His arms wrap around my body. "I'm okay now. I'm okay."

We stay like this for a moment. Too much has nearly ripped us apart. I need to be as close to Steve as I can be right now, even if it's just for a few seconds.

"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asks.

I pull away to look at Robin. She shines her flashlight on the remaining body parts of the bat Steve ripped in half.

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