S3E4: The Sauna Test

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Dustin returns to Scoops Ahoy after spying on the Russians from the rooftop we were all on last night. We're all sat around the small table in the back room, while Dustin paces back and forth in front of us, explaining what all he saw.

"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

Robin fiddles with an ice cream scoop in her hands. "But there's gotta be a way in."

Steve sits across from her at the table, spinning his Scoops Ahoy sailor hat around on his finger. "Well, you know..." he blows on the hat, popping the fabric of it back out from where it had been turned inside out, then sets it on the table, "I could just take him out." His voice is casual as if he's done this many times before.

"Take who out?" Robin asks, knowing exactly who. She just wants him to hear himself so that maybe he'll realize how crazy he sounds.

"The Russian guard," he states as if it was obvious. Robin stares at him. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asks.

"Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking. Like a ninja."

"Mm, yeah, let's use that as plan Z," I say.

"Well, please, tell me this, and be honest," Dustin walks closer to Steve with his arms crossed, "have you ever actually... won a fight?"

"That's a good question, Dustin." I look to my right at Steve.

Steve leans back in his seat. "Okay, that was one time..."

"Twice," I correct. "Jonathan. Year prior? And then Billy."

"Listen, Jonathan doesn't count."

"Why wouldn't it?" Dustin asks. "Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you. You got a fat lip, crooked nose."

"Swollen eye," I add. "Your face was covered in blood..." I start laughing, remembering that day. "I was shouting at Jonathan to kick your ass. You ran away from the cops like a coward."

"That just might work." Robin jumps up from the table suddenly and takes off.

"Robin?" I ask as she grabs all our tip money from the jar.

"Hey, Robin!" Steve shouts as she quickly walks out from behind the counter, heading to the exit. We trail after her.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

She stops only for a second and turns to us, still walking backwards. "I need cash."

"Well, part of that's mine," Steve whines. "Where're you going?"

"To find a way into that room," she says, getting farther away, "a safe way. And, in the meantime, you two sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up. I'll be back in a jiff." She takes off running through the mall, leaving us stuck serving ice cream.

Dustin licks some ice cream off the scoop and Steve jerks it out of his hands. "Oh, dude. Come on, man, not my scooper." He spins the scoop around like how a cowboy would a gun, then puts it in his holster.

An hour and a half later, Robin returns with a large piece of paper rolled up under her arm. "It is fascinating what 20 bucks will get you at the County Recorder's Office." She puts the paper on the table and flattens it out. "Starcourt Mall. The complete blueprints."

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