S2E8: The Mind Flayer

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Follow the young demogorgons, that just sounds fucking brilliant, doesn't it?

The woods are thick and dark. I'm terrified I'm going to step on a venomous snake and get bit. My pants keep getting caught on briars and I've nearly gotten poked in the eye with an alarming amount of branches.

Steve leads the way, with me right behind him. The kids follow the two of us. He holds a branch back so that it won't slap me in the face, which I am very thankful for.

"You're positive that was Dart?" Max asks.

"Yes," Dustin says. "He had the same
exact yellow pattern on his butt."

"He was tiny two days ago."

"Well, he's molted three times already."

"Wait, malted?" Steve asks.

"Molted," Dustin corrects.

"Shed his old skin so he could grow bigger," I explain.

"Like hornworms," Dustin says.

I nod. "Yes, like hornworms... and amphibians, insects, arachnids... a lot of creatures."

"When's he gonna molt again?" Max asks.

"It's gotta be soon," Dustin answers. "When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it. And so will his friends."

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats," Steve says, shinning his flashlight around.

Lucas holds his hand out, blocking Dustin from taking another step. "Wait, a cat? Dart ate a cat?"

"No, what?" Dustin shakes his head. "No."

Steve looks at him. "What are you talking about? He ate Mews."

"Mews? Who's Mews?" Max asks.

"It's Dustin's cat."

"Steve!" Dustin shouts.

"I knew it!" Lucas slaps Dustin's shoulder. "You kept him!"

"No! No. No, I... No, I... he missed me. He wanted to come home."

"Bullshit!" Lucas declares.

"I didn't know he was a Demogorgon. Okay?"

"Oh, so now you admit it?"

"Guys, who cares?" Max cuts in. "We have to go."

"I care!" Lucas points to himself. "You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!"

"So did you!" Dustin yells.


"You told a stranger," he shines his flashlight in Max's face, making her flinch back, "the truth!"

Lucas scoffs. "A stranger? You wanted to tell her, too! Besides, you told y/n!"

"She's part of the party!" Dustin wildly gestures around.

"All right, stop," I say. The boys continue fighting, ignoring me. "Everyone shut up!" I shout, making everyone go quiet. "We don't have time for this stupid useless bickering. We've gotta get going."

Dustin and Lucas look at Steve, hoping for a different answer from him. Steve shrugs. "You heard y/l/n. Let's go!"

Off in the distance, the young Demogorgons screech. Steve doesn't hesitate for a second. He takes off in that direction.

"No, no, no. Hey, guys, why are you headed towards the sound?" Max asks.

"Because they all have a death wish." I readjust the strap of my backpack.

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