S3E2: The Mall Rats

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I park at the mall and get out, starting my walk across the parking lot to the entrance. I squint, noticing a mop of curly brown hair under a brightly colored hat making its way across the parking lot.

"Dustin!?" I shout, hurriedly walking towards him.

His head whips around and his eyes instantly light up when he catches sight of me. "Y/n!"

I tackle him in a hug. "How was camp?" I ask, pulling away. The two of us do our secret, and very complicated handshake.

"It was so great! I'll tell you about it later."

I smile at him. "All right! Oh, I've got something to show you!" I grab his arm and drag him over to my hideous piece of junk car. "Ta-da!" I grandly hold my hands out.

"No," he breaths out in disbelief, "you finally got a car!?"

"Yes!" I shriek, unable to contain my excitement. "So, in you face, Henderson!"

"Okay, okay, I get it. I can't make fun of you anymore. It only took you until you were nineteen."

"Better late than never."

He squints at it and tilts his head. "It's the color of earwax."

I hold my hand up. "I'm gonna pretend I did not just hear that."

He shrugs. "I mean... am I wrong?"

My shoulders slump. "No, you're not. But that's so disgusting! Just- just shut up. Now I can't un-see it."

We head inside the mall and to Scoops Ahoy. The shop isn't busy today. There are a few people sitting in booths, enjoying their ice cream; and one couple standing at the counter, who Robin is tending to. "Have a nice day," she says with zero enthusiasm, handing them their ice cream.

I walk through the gate to go behind the counter with Robin.

Dustin steps up to the counter in front of her. "Hi."


"I'm Dustin." He points to himself.

"I'm Robin."

"Pleasure to meet you." Dustin glances between Robin and I. "Uh, is... is he here?"

"Is who here?" She asks, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, he's here," I tell him.

Steve comes bursting through the doors with so much excitement I wonder if he is going to explode. "Henderson." He throws his hands in the air enthusiastically. "Henderson! He's back!" Steve jumps in the air, running around the counter to Dustin. "He's back!"

I can't help but laugh at Steve. "He's back!" I cheer.

"I'm back!" Dustin chuckles. "You guys got the job!"

"We got the job!" Steve imitates a trumpet, then does a nerdy handshake with Dustin that includes lightsabers and fighting, and Steve pretending to have guts pouring out of his abdomen after Dustin stabs him. "Blerghhh."

Our laughs echo through the shop. We're beyond happy to be reunited again. It's been a long and boring summer without Dustin being here.

"How many children are you friends with?" Robin asks Steve.

He shrugs and looks at Dustin, gesturing a hand at her.

"I've got so much to tell you!" Dustin says.

Steve glances back at Robin and I. "Yeah, okay. I guess I'll take my break now. Y/n, will you cover for me?"


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