Sequel Made!

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The second saga is done! I hope that it's filled out some of the blanks in the past of Willy's Wonderland, and given insight into Jerry's character!

Also, the triquel is out now! 😁

Wee Weasel Tales: Fiendish Friends


This series is definitely on a roll here, lol!

Willimeena's definitely making her mark on the storyline at this point; and showing too that she's no damsel-distress!

The weasel pup's characteristics and abilities will definitely show up more in the third book, I promise!


If anyone wants to make any fanart, animations, or other fan media stuff; based off my Wee Weasel Tales fanfic series ... you will need to ask my permission FIRST!

And tag and credit me too. If people don't follow these requirements: I will be forced to take action. No credit stealing and character stealing allowed!


See you guys in the triquel! Hope that you've enjoyed this fanfic! 👍🤩

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