A/n Will you help?

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So.. This is not a chapter. I just want to ask for your opinion.

I was thinking about making a ko-fi account. I kinda need the support right now. I love writing, I really do. And I love reading your comment asking for the next update.. So I want to make this love for writing of mine into something that can give me an income somehow. However little that might be.

Of course it's not a necessities for you to donate, but I will eventually set a schedule of update if I do get an income from this. It helps motivate me you know, when I get paid for this and set a deadline for myself.

That's why I wanted to ask you. Will you help me with this? I don't want to make an account for nothing.. I don't even care how much you donate. And it don't have to be monthly. Just a one time is enough.

If you don't think it's a good idea then I won't make an account.

So yeah.. I'm sorry if you don't like this particular A/n. I will update of course, but it will be at a random time.

Hope you have a good day! 👋

I'm sorry once again.


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