Chapter 2

1.6K 49 65

Author's note:
Thank you so much to stxrry_nightqx for the new cover of this book!

Also, Y/M/N means your mother's name.

Word count: 1.3k
Warning: Knives, death & torture threats and swear words

Y/N groans when she wakes up. However, all she sees is darkness. She's frightened as she realises that she's blindfolded and tied to a chair.

She tries to get free. Alas, it doesn't work. The ropes are too tight.

She tries her best to remember how she ended up here... Wherever 'here' is.

The last thing she remembers is that she went to a party with Hermione, Luna and Ginny. But she doesn't remember the party. Did she leave early? She most likely did as parties aren't her thing.

She then remembers - she left the party as she couldn't find her friends. She tried to get home... but accidentally overheard a conversation. There was a gunshot... And mafia members.

She starts to panic as she finally remembers everything - she has been kidnapped by the mafia!

What are they going to do to her? Are they going to torture her? Kill her?

She suddenly hears voices.

"I don't fucking care! I want my money!!" a cold voice shouts.

"We know, Tom. But you see... Antonin shot him. All we have is his wallet which is empty" a voice explains. Y/N remembers that voice - it's the blonde-haired man.

Another guy huffs. "Of course I shot him, that little rat wasn't going to talk!" he defends himself. It's the creepy guy with the gun, Antonin...

A loud sigh can be heard. "You dunderheads... I found the key to his apartment in his left pocket. He might be hiding the money there" a fourth man states. It's the guy with the velvety voice. Y/N still hasn't seen him as he was behind her the whole time.

"Thank you, Severus. At least one of you has some common sense!" the cold voice snaps.

Y/N then realises who he is - it's Tom Riddle, the mafia boss.

"Now, the girl... Did she hear everything? Did she see anything?" Tom Riddle questions.

"We think she heard everything, she definitely heard the gunshot. She saw Peter's dead body as well as Antonin and I" the blonde-haired man explains.

Tom sighs. "Well, she knows too much... We can't let her leave" he states, sounding deep in thought.

Antonin gives a creepy laugh. "If I might suggest-" he starts before he's interrupted.

"Are you really going to suggest once again that we take turns on her before killing her? Is that all you think about?" the guy with the velvety voice, Severus, questions in a disgusted tone. You can practically hear him rolling his eyes.

"Why don't we question her about her family? That way, we can ask for ransom. Why not get some extra money?" the blonde-haired man suggests. Y/N has a feeling that he's smirking.

Tom laughs. "Ah, yes. Good idea, Lucius" he agrees.

Y/N slightly panics. Her mother doesn't have a lot of money. There's no way any ransom from her could satisfy them...

"Now, why don't we pay our guest a visit? We can't keep her waiting" Tom states.

Y/N then hears movements. Her heart is beating fast knowing they are going to enter the room. The sound of a key can be heard as the door is being unlocked.

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