Chapter 11*

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Author's note:
The chapter is up one day earlier🥳

This chapter contains SMUT! It's my first time writing it. Thank you to zennywrites on Tumblr for beta-reading as well as convincing me to write it😌 I hope you enjoy!

Also, this chapter is really long!

Y/N/N means your nickname.

Word count: 4k
Warning: Blood, death, guns, knives and SMUT (18+ - minors DNI!)

It's been a few days since Antonin tried to rape Y/N. She hasn't left the room ever since, fearing he will try again.

Lucius and Severus have assured her it won't happen again - her father made sure of that. He won't try again after losing a part of him.

When Lucius went to the kitchen to get Y/N some breakfast, there was still blood on the ground in the living room. He almost threw up at the sight. It was disgusting.

Right now, Y/N is resting her head on Lucius' chest while reading a book. He's caressing her scalp, the action making her a bit sleepy.

They are waiting for Severus to return with some lunch.

Just as she's about to close her eyes, Severus knocks on the door before entering. However, he's not alone. Tom is there as well.

Noticing her father in the room, Y/N quickly sits up on the bed.

"Sorry to disturb you, I have some news. Tonight will be the annual party of the mafia. All the members will be there, which includes you two, Severus and Lucius. Which is why I was hoping you would come as well, Y/N. It would mean a lot to me" Tom explains.

Y/N widens her eyes. "B-but, Antonin-" she starts before he quickly stops her.

"He will be there as well, but don't worry, he won't hurt you. He knows this time will be worse for him if he does. Besides, Lucius and Severus will be by your side the whole evening. Isn't that right?" he asks as he looks at the two men, giving a serious look.

They both immediately nod. "Of course, we won't let anything happen to her" Severus assures.

"Good. Now, remember to wear a dress. It is a party after all. See you later tonight" the mafia boss says before he leaves the room.

Y/N sighs. "What am I going to wear? I don't have a dress" she says, worrying about her outfit.

Lucius smirks. "You do have a dress, actually" he states as he rises from the bed to grab something. He returns with the dark green dress Y/N wore when they captured her.

"Oh, I forgot about that one..." she admits. It's the dress that Luna chose for her.

Severus clears his throat. "Well, why don't we eat now and get dressed afterwards?" he suggests.

They nod and sit on the bed, eating their lunch. As they do so, Y/N can't help but feel a bit nervous. She wonders how many people there will be at the party tonight.

A few hours later, it's time to join the party. Y/N has just put on the dress and some fancier shoes. She's still wearing the necklace that Severus and Lucius gave her.

As she leaves the bathroom, she can't help but stare at the two men in front of her. They are both wearing suits. Lucius' tie is green while Severus' is black.

When they spot her, they look her up and down, admiring her body. She blushes at that.

"My, I almost forgot how good you look in that dress" Lucius purrs.

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