Chapter 7

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Author's note:
We get to know about the relationship of Y/N's parents! Y/M/N means your mother's name. I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 2.1k
Warning: Alcohol, cigarettes, swear words and mentions of sex

It's the next morning. Y/N wakes up as somebody is gently shaking her.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. You shouldn't sleep all day" Lucius teases, smirking at her.

Blushing, Y/N quickly sits up on the bed. "S-sorry. What time is it?" she asks.

"It's almost lunchtime, you missed breakfast" Severus states, reading a book in the corner of the room.

Y/N widens her eyes. She slept through breakfast? How many hours did she sleep?!

"Correct, we decided to let you sleep some more. You must have been tired" Lucius says, sounding amused.

"Apparently so..." Y/N mutters, still confused as to how she slept that long. It's almost like the two men had a calming effect on her... She must have just been really tired, that's probably it.

She's startled as Severus closes his book shut.

"Let's head to the dining room to get some lunch, shall we?" he suggests as he rises from his seat.

As Lucius nods, he gently grabs Y/N's arm and takes her with them. The three of them enter the room only to hear Tom yelling.

"You idiot! Incompetent fool! Did you really not think to check the money before using them?!" the mafia boss shouts, glaring at the man in the seat before him.

Antonin gulps, trying not to look too scared. Well, if that's what he's trying to do, Severus thinks he's doing a really poor job.

Lucius clears his throat, gaining their attention.

"There you three are... Next time, make sure she's here for breakfast!" Tom snaps.

Now it's Lucius' and Severus' turn trying not to look scared.

"We apologise, boss. She was... extremely tired and needed some more rest" Severus explains, hoping he won't shout again. It's giving him a headache.

Raising an eyebrow, Tom looks at his daughter for answers.

Noticing this, Y/N quickly nods. "Yeah, I was really tired" she replies.

Nodding, Tom sits down on his chair and sighs. "Lunch is ready..." he states, grabbing a beer.

As the others sit down by the table as well, Lucius looks at the mafia boss. "What was that before about the money?" he questions, hoping the man isn't too irritated to answer.

Tom growls. "Antonin used the money we took from Peter without checking them... The money is fake!" he says through gritted teeth.

Severus looks at Antonin. "What in the world were you trying to use the money for? And how did you manage to escape?" he questions, looking puzzled.

Antonin laughs. "I was with a whore last night. The bitch somehow knew the money was fake and threatened to call the police. I got away in time" he explains, shrugging.

Severus gives a disgusted look. Of course that was what he was doing...

Y/N can't help but look disgusted as well. She however feels bad for the prostitute not getting her money.

"Exactly, she could tell while you couldn't! You almost got us in trouble!" Tom hisses, glaring at Antonin. The man merely huffs in return.

Y/N dares to look at her father. "What will you do about the money, then?" she finds herself asking. The men look at her.

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