Chapter 8

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Word count: 1.4k
Warning: Indications of sexual activity

Y/N is in her bed, thinking. She has been here in the mafia building for a while now. However, instead of thinking about escaping, she's thinking about something else. Or rather, someone else...

She's thinking about Lucius and Severus. She lately does that more than she would like to admit.

She's startled as the door opens, revealing the men she has just been thinking about.

"Hello, darling" Lucius says, smirking at her as always.

She's surprised when they sit next to her on the bed.

"We have a confession to make..." Severus states.

That makes Y/N confused. Confession about what?

"We want you" Lucius explains as he starts kissing her neck.

Y/N gasps. Her gasp however quickly turns into a moan when Severus caresses her thighs.

"What do you say?" he mutters in her ear.

She can't think straight. There's only one thing she has in mind right now.

"Please" she begs. It's however not the same 'please' when she begged Lucius to let her go. This one is different.

Smirking, the two men continue worshipping her body, exploring every inch.

Y/N is a moaning mess. She never knew this could feel so amazing. She's so close-

Y/N jolts up in bed, sweating and breathing heavily. What just happened? Was that really a dream? It felt so real...

She sighs as she tries to calm down. Okay, so she just dreamed about Severus and Lucius... touching her. She just dreamed about her captures touching her.

And the worst thing is - she liked it. In fact, she's really disappointed that it ended...

Her train of thoughts is interrupted as there's a knock on the door, startling her.

"Are you awake? Dinner is almost ready" Severus states.

Cheeks red, Y/N clears her throat. "Um, y-yeah. I'll just... take a shower first" she replies, feeling really embarrassed for having that dream.

"Very well. Lucius and I have some new clothes for you. We will show them to you after dinner" Severus tells her before leaving, his footsteps getting quieter and quieter.

Sighing, Y/N grabs some clean clothes before heading to the bathroom. However, after that steamy dream, she's can't help but feel more conscious about her own body.

The idea of wearing their clothes also makes her blush. She can't wait to wear women's clothing again...

She strips out of her clothes before entering the shower, trying not to replay the memories of her dream as she washes her body.

She ignores the tingle between her legs as she quickly finishes the shower.

She's a bit hesitant putting on the boxers as it immediately makes her think of the dream again... She decides to quickly put them on followed by a tank top and a shirt.

Once she's dressed and decent, she leaves the bathroom. She however blushes as Lucius is waiting for her, sitting on the bed.

"There you are. Enjoyed your shower?" he questions.

Capture Bonding (Severus Snape x reader, Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now