Chapter 12

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Author's note:
Sorry for the delay! Hopefully the end is worth the wait. I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 2.7k
Warning: Mentions of drugs, guns and kidnapping

It's the next morning. Y/N slowly wakes up as the sunlight hits her face. When she opens her eyes, she notices that Lucius is resting his head on her naked chest. She blushes at that.

Her cheeks turn even redder as the events of last night plays in her head. She can't help but smile, though. It felt really nice, and they were really gentle. She can't think of a better way to lose her virginity, it was simply perfect.

As Severus' hand is on her thigh, she can't help but grab it. She unconsciously squeezes it. She's startled as he squeezes back.

"Good morning" a silky voice mutters above her.

"Good morning" she shyly says, looking at their intertwined hands.

Lucius groans as he wakes up as well. "Good morning indeed" he says, smirking as he sees where he's laying his head.

He grabs her other hand before kissing it. "Slept well?" he asks, looking up at her.

She shyly nods. "I did. How did you two sleep?" she asks back.

"I've never slept better" Severus admits.

"I agree with Severus. Never slept better" Lucius repeats, caressing her knuckles.

Smiling, Y/N closes her eyes, enjoying her hands in theirs, her body against their bodies.

"I don't want to ruin this perfect moment, but we do really need a shower" Lucius says after a moment of comfortable silence.

Severus rolls his eyes. Of course he couldn't wait just a little longer.

Y/N whines, her eyes still closed. "Too tired..." she complains, nuzzling her head against Severus' chest.

Chuckling, Lucius rises from the bed.

She pouts, missing the warmth from his body. She however gasps as the blonde-haired man grabs her, carrying her in his arms.

"L-Lucius!" she squeals, grabbing his shoulders tightly. He merely smirks at her.

"Are you coming, Severus?" he asks his friend.

Sighing, the black-haired man reluctantly leaves the bed and follows them to the bathroom.

When they enter, Lucius looks between the shower and the bathtub.

"You know what? Forget the shower. I think we could use a bath instead. Will you hold her while I prepare it for us?" he questions as he looks at Severus.

The man nods, grabbing the girl. She nuzzles her head on his shoulder.

While he holds her, Lucius turns on the hot water. He pours a bit of shower gel as bubbles start to foam. Once it's done and the water is covered by the soap, Lucius sits down and sighs in pleasure.

"The temperature is perfect. Come on, join me" he says as he gestures for them to enter as well.

Severus slowly sits down with Y/N still in his arms. He sighs as well, enjoying the warm water. So does Y/N. She decides to sit between them.

Lucius grabs the shampoo bottle. "May I wash your hair, darling?" he asks, already pouring a bit of the liquid onto his hands.

Chuckling, she nods. He rubs the soap between his hands, creating foam. He starts washing her scalp, giving her a massage. She sighs as she enjoys it.

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