Chapter Eleven - Oak's Office

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"Sapphire, you have kissed over fifteen boys, and you have NO dating advice for me??" Platinum said with her hands on her hips.

"Nope! I'm tired right now, so nothing is coming to m' mind..." Sapphire said.

Yellow stood with her two new friends, listening to their daily random conversations. She laughed. "Platinum, aren't there already millions of boys out there who like you?"

Platinum rolled her eyes. "Yes, but I am talking about the cute ones!"

Yellow and Sapphire sighed. Sapphire looked at Yellow. "Yellow! Did you get my texts?" She asked.

Yellow nodded. "Yeah, I did. Sorry I didn't respond..."

"It's fine!" Sapphire paused. "I still didn't get a gold nugget from her yet though..."

"Who?" Platinum asked.

"Blue!" Sapphire said, leaving Yellow in confusion. Who is Blue?

"Oh... She's an asshole..." Platinum said. "She probably scammed you, I don't think any student here would have a gold nugget."

Sapphire's shoulders slumped. "Yeah, maybe..."

"What did she scam you for?" Platinum asked.

"She actually bribed me for Yellow's number." Sapphire said.

"Oh..." Platinum said. "Why would she want your number?" She asked, looking at Yellow.

"I don't know." Yellow said, and she looked back at Sapphire. "I'm going to get Red, then we can head to Principal Oak's office."

"Principal Oak's office?" Platinum said, curious about what's happening. "What are you guys doing going to the principal's office?"

"We don't have much time to explain. Since we have free period now, let's hurry to principal Oak's office before our free period ends."

"What 'bout Red?" Sapphire asked.

"Oh!" Yellow paused. "I think he has free period too, we can go get him."

"Alright, I'll just follow you guys." Platinum said, following the two down the hallway.

- - -

Yellow knocked on the principal's office door with Red, Platinum, and Sapphire standing behind her. Sapphire and Red had their phones out, ready to show what they captured.

The four watched the door knob turn, then the door opened to reveal a friendly-looking man with grey hair standing there.

"Hello, kids! What do you guys need?" He said, giving the four a smile.

Yellow spoke up. "We need to talk to you about something." She said.

Principal Oak nodded and stood aside to let the four inside his office. He sat down in his big leather office chair at his desk and the four kids took a seat on the chairs in front of his desk.

"Now what is it you need to discuss?" principal Oak said.

"Well, Principal Oak," Red said, about to show his phone to the principal, when Sapphire cut him off.

"We found a jerk in the detention classroom, and we wanted to show them to you!" Sapphire said, showing the short video she took of Yellow and Blue talking in the detention room.

The principal scratched his chin and hummed. "I see..." he said. "I recognize that girl... Is that girl, perhaps, Blue?" He asked, looking at the four sitting in front of him.

"Uh... Yes." Yellow said.

"She seemed like a nice girl..." The principal scratched his chin again. He nodded, as if he was making a decision with himself, and he looked at Yellow and her friends. "I will privately talk Blue, and maybe Green, too. Thank you all for telling me this." Said the principal.

The four nodded, and they all headed out of the office together.

"That went better than I expected!" Sapphire said.

"Yeah!" Yellow said, and the others agreed.

"Shouldn't we head to our cla-"

"RUBY!!" Red was cut off by Sapphire's shouts. She ran to her boyfriend, leaving the three without hesitation.

"I swear to god that girl is so annoying..." Red said.

Yellow and Platinum gave Red a glare.

"U-Uh, I take that back, she is alright, I guess..." Red said, scratching behind his neck.

"Good!" Platinum said. "Anyways, see you guys later!" Platinum said as she walked to another group of friends.

Yellow turned to Red. "I cannot imagine being as popular as her..." She said.

"I know, right..." Red said.

The two stood there like statues, in silence.

"So-" Red was about to say something when the bell rang, making both of them flinch.

"I guess we should go to our classes now?" Red said.

"Yeah, I'll see you later!" Yellow said, walking away, waving to Red.

Yellow sighed, and adjusted her backpack. Her last period is now coming up. Last period is always the worst. It's always filled with the kids who stick gum to the bottom of other kids chairs -or even worse- to their hair.

Yellow shuddered. It hasn't happened to her before, but she saw other kids firing spit balls into this one kids hair, waiting for him to notice.

Yellow opened the door to her last class and walked in. It was Friday, so that means the weekend will come soon. Just right after this last class.

Yellow puffed up her chest like a bird. Yellow remembered in a nature documentary she learned some small Pokemon puffed up their chests to look bigger and more intimidating. It never really worked for Yellow herself though.


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