Chapter Twenty-Two - Limbo

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"Sure!!" Yellow said, taking Blue's hand as they walked to where everybody else was dancing. Yellow knew Blue was blushing a lot, which made Yellow smile. Yellow always used to love dancing at home with her dad as if she was a princess.

"Wait, wait. Can you help me do a twirl?" Yellow said. Blue laughed, and she let Yellow do a spin. Yellow did a double-spin just for fun.

Yellow looked at Red and Green. They were dancing. Like actually dancing, unlike Yellow doing spins with Blue. Yellow looked around at everyone else, and they were dancing like Red and Green were, too. Yellow then smiled, seeing Ruby and Sapphire not knowing what to do at all.

"Blue, let's dance!" Yellow said, grabbing Blue's shoulders.

"W-What?" Blue said, her voice cracking, which made Yellow giggle.

"You know, like what almost everyone else is doing." Yellow said. "Here." Yellow placed Blue's hands on her own waist, and Yellow did the steps that she learned about in the square-dancing unit in her gym class.

"See? It's not that hard!" Yellow said, grinning at Blue, who was turning the color of Red's jacket he always wore.

"Aren't you having fun?" Yellow said, still grinning.

Blue gave Yellow a soft smile. "Yeah, I am!" She said, though Yellow knew she was nervous and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Pearl grabbed a stick and shouted. "Everybody! We're playing limbo!!" He looked around, seeing mostly everyone was still dancing. Pearl frowned. "The winner gets 10,000 Pokedollars!!" He said, making everybody get in line, waiting for their turn.

Diamond and Platinum held up the stick while Pearl was narrating everything that was happening.

"Ooh!! They just hid their head on the stick... That must've hurt!"

"_____ Set the new record for the night! Can anyone beat it?!"

"Look at that! The stick is getting closer and closer to the ground! ...Is that a part of the rules or are you guys trolling everyone."

And he said stuff like this...

"And there goes ____, picking their nose again."

*Sigh* "You guys really suck at this game, I can do better."


Yellow laughed at Pearl's most recent comment. And at last, it was her turn. Yellow was good at limbo. She was flexible enough to bend her back, she was flat, and the most obvious of all; she was short.

Yellow made it under the stick, and Pearl cheered for her, like he does for everyone who made it under the stick. It was getting even closer to the ground. Yellow thinks she has the money in the bag.

After everyone went, Pearl announced the winner. "I know this is unfair folks, but I am not the one in charge here."

"Yes you are!" Yellow heard a voice in the crowd say.

"Shut up!" Pearl said. "Anyway, the winner of this limbo contest is the shortest highschooler I have ever known in my life- Yellow!!"

Yellow didn't know if he comment was an insult or a compliment, but she didn't care. She won! Platinum handed Yellow the prize money, and everyone congratulated her.

As for Yellow's first school year in Kanto, this was her best school year yet. Nothing could be any better than this.

.  .  .

And I present you the ending of this story! Well, not exactly, since I am planning to make a cool epilouge that I will talk more about when I make it.

Anyways, I would like to thank one person, @Fanfictionlover8 for supporting me with kind comments throughout my writing process of this story. Thank you!!

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