Chapter 1

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Year 1526

"Evelyn! Come here quick!" My friend Anne yell for me to hear "Just a minute!" I yell back, finishing washing my clothes and wiping my hands, I stood up and walked to where Anne is.

"What is it?" I asked and she looked up to me, showing me her 2nd time catching a fish. "Come on, I thought you catch a crocodile" I said while scratching my neck. Anne laughed "I'd be dead by now" she replied and I laughed with her, her dark jokes.

We stopped laughing and held the basket, seeing only 3 fishes. I tilted my head "well, atleast you caught 3 of them instead of crocodile" I said and Anne chuckled "hm yeah, what could possibly happen if-" her sentence was cut off as a big splash of water from the river. We both screamed loudly and move away from the land near water.

I heard a laugh, I look down to see my friend Carl smiling as he laughed loudly to our reaction "You crazy little- you almost gave me a heart attack!" I said loudly then Carl laughed more "do you really want me to be the crocodile, then I will eat you both!" He said roaring and pulling Anne's and my leg towards the water.

We screamed and I hugged the tree tightly, dont let go please mister tree! Then I was the one who let go when Carl succesfully pulled us into the water. "No! My favorite dress! I will kill you!" Anne yelled and swimming towards Carl, while he hide behind me.

"Hey, stop that you both!" I said as Carl hid behind me while holding my shoulder "I washed this dress minutes ago, you're gonna wash it by your bare hands!" Anne said while pulling Carl's ear.

Carl yelped and nodded his head quickly "Yes yes yes! I promise and I promise!" He cried out then Anne smiled, letting go of his ear that turned red. I laughed "come on, let's get out of this water or else the real crocodile comes" I said while getting off the water.

Anne stood up and looked at her wet dirty dress, she then glared at Carl who quickly looked away as he saw her looking at him. I chuckled "guys, come on. We can wash our clothes again" I said while going back home with the basket of 3 fishes.

Well I'm still glad to have these fishes cause the King of Ellesmere is so selfish that he cant even give his people food to eat, I hope the next line on throne will change that.

Thomas Pov

I was practicing sword fighting with the commander, moving my feet backwards then forward. Concentrating then I hit his sword, making it fly out from his grip. I smirked proudly and tilted my head.

"should've done better than that, You learned so fast, Your highness" He said while patting my back, making me chuckle "I learned it from you, so if people say i'm amazing its like complimenting you too" I said while drinking water, the water slightly dripping to my sweaty jaw.

He nodded with a small chuckle "You're going to be a great king of this Kingdom, Thomas" He said, I nodded slightly "I've always wanted to rule this Kingdom, when the time comes it will happen" I said and patting his back "have to go".

I walk out of the room and walks upstairs to my Father's chamber, knocking the door before I come inside. "So, how's the training, son?" Father asks and I walk to the table "T'was good, father" I replied, making him hummed in response.

"Did you defeat him this time?" He asks and I nodded "Yes, Father" I said, making him turn around to look at me "well done, son! You are going to be the King soon and thats why I want you to train more" he said.

I nodded "Yes, Father and I cant even wait to be, though I know it's difficult but I can rule this Kingdom alone. I promise" I said and bows down to him, before leaving his room, hearing him say "You should be or else I'll arrange you a bride by myself " he said.

I walked out his room, thinking of what Father just said. That is why I train and practice everyday so I could be the Fearless King of all kings, knows how to fight and defend this Kingdom.

But Father watch me secretly so he can see if i'm really fit to be the King of this Kingdom, if not then he would find me a bride by himself and he's not a good picker. But its not about the most beautiful woman I was wishing for. It's about the one who's a kind hearted person.

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