Chapter 20

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Evelyn's Pov

Caressing the rose while I smile, it's such a beautiful flower. Standing up then looking around "Thinking of escaping again?" I jumped in surprised at the voice behind me, turning around and looked at Jack.

I sighed in relief before holding my chest "You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said, Jack chuckled and looked around "What are you doing here?" He asked.

I pressed my lips together, looking down "Just admiring the garden?" I said slowly, Jack turned to look at me "I see, you've been working hard to make Thomas trust you" He said, I nodded "Yes and I've got nothing in mind" I replied, Jack chuckled while shaking his head "You already impressed him" Jack said.

Furrowing my brows confusedly as I look up to him "What do you mean?" I asks, Jack put his hand behind him and smiled at me "What am I doing now?" He asks back, I look up and down at him "You mean, Putting my hand behind me makes Thomas impressed?" I asked.

Jack laughed more, shaking his head and leaned his head down to match his height with mines, I move my head backwards and I blushed. Jack then smiled at me "A smile makes a man's heart melt" Jack said.

I nodded and guessed it, while still looking into Jack's eyes that I almost fell in. Jack noticed me watching him so he pinched my nose and I snapped out of my day dream "What are you staring at me, hmm?" He asks while stepping closer to me.

Moving backwards as Jack stepping closer to me, looking down quickly to hide my tomato cheek "I was just thinking if I should take the twig out of your hair" I said slowly, embarrassed that why did I even looked into his eyes?

Jack kept moving closer to me, I move my feet backwards more "Then, why wont you look up to me again?" He asked, My cheeks are turning into tomato "I- because you are coming closer to me and you're freaking me out!" I said and Glad Jack believed it so he stopped moving closer to me and kept watching me.

"If you are telling the truth, then why don't you take the twig out of my hair?" He asks, I nodded and I looked up to his hair, I think I told him the truth unknowingly. There is really a twig on his hair so I tiptoed to reach out of his tall height and slowly took the twig out of his hair.

I was about to move down my feet when I accidentally looked down of Jack's eyes and I found him already staring at me, It feels like I'm stuck and cant move. It was so silent while we keep staring at each other when I snapped out of my thoughts and move back but I forgot that I tiptoed so I lose balance and ready myself to touch the ground when Jack quickly catched me as he held my waist closer to him.

I widened my eyes, holding his shoulder and now looking back into his eyes that are already staring at me while holding my waist and not letting me fall. I got flustered at the sudden move and quickly forced myself to release from his arms as I looked down awkwardly.

Jack does the same, looking down and I was about to speak "I-" . "Well-" We both chuckled at the same time "You go first" He said, I nodded and managed to look up to him in the eyes "I'm so sorry of what happened!" I said loudly while quickly looking down awkwardly, don't look up again or he'll noticed the tomato cheek!

Jack smiled more at my shyness "No, It's fin-" I cutted him off quickly by holding his hand out and put the twig on his palm "Have a great day" I said, turning around and quickly left the Garden with a tomato cheek. I think he saw it!

Jack's Pov

I kept smiling, watching Evelyn running away from the Garden as she goes back inside the Castle. Putting my hand on my heart and it's beating so fast, could it be? Love. Looking up to the skies and putting my hand behind me "I'll make sure to confirm if it is really love" I said to myself.

When I was about to walk back inside, Thomas was walking this way "Commander, Where is Evelyn?" He asks, I bow slightly as respect before answering "She goes back inside, Your Majesty" I said, Thomas nodded before turning around and walking back inside.

I completely forgot that Evelyn is married to Thomas, Thomas trusted me and I'm one of his best warrior and friend that he trusted and whenever he's alone. I was there beside him and I cannot break his trust but I gotta make sure if It is really a love that I felt for Evelyn or just kind emotions.

Evelyn's Pov

Opening the door, walking inside the room and lays down quickly on the bed before releasing a sigh. I've never been that close to Jack and we just met for days but he already made me feel out of this world. Am I inlove?

Looking around the room and there was a small Library inside the room so I took one of them and goes back to the bed as I read it, I turned my head up as I heard a knock on the door "Oh, Thomas" I said softly.

Thomas walked inside the room before closing the door behind him and walked towards me "What are you reading?" He asks, I kept focusing my eyes on the book "About the Prince's love of a commoner" I said, I can see thomas smirking on the side of my eyes.

Then suddenly my book was out of my hand, I looked up to Thomas who was already staring at me with a smirk "You read this on purpose to make me keep thinking that I love you" He said, I widened my eyes and sit up before trying to grab the book back "No no, I just randomly grabbed one of the books there" I said.

Thomas kept on smirking as he put the book up, I stood up to the bed and tried grabbing it but Thomas move back and we both fall down on the bed, with our lips locked together. I widened my eyes and then the book finally fell on my head with a thud.

I closed my eyes, standing up quickly and wipes my lips. Thomas breathing heavily "Evelyn, I dont know if I can control it anymore" He said, I looked up to him and touched his hand softly and gently, carefully "Thomas, I want to change you" I said honestly that I had nothing to say to change the conversation and distract him.

Thomas darkened eyes turned into soft as he looked into my eyes, I continued "I want to change you, I want to see what your heart really truly is" I said before holding his chest, feeling the beat of his heart and I can feel Thomas touched at my words. I can do this.

He then leaned his forehead against mine, I closed my eyes and then Thomas slowly intertwined our both fingers and took me closer to him. Butterflies in my stomach starts to form "If you want to see my true heart then love me" He said.

Opening my eyes, moving back to look up to him "Your heart is not dark, Thomas. You are just alone and angry at all times but your heart is not truly cruel" I said while looking at him, I dont know where I got this words from. "Then change me, Love me so much that I would even forget living my life alone" Thomas said while looking into my eyes.

I released a soft breathe, looking back into his eyes "I will" I replied before I got this feeling that I should do this, I always too wanted to change and bring the old Thomas back. Leaning in and pressing my lips with his, Thomas was surprised for me to do the first move but quickly held my cheek before kissing me back.

Closing my eyes as Thomas kept kissing me while holding me closer to him, He then slowly lay me down and I know what's going to happen next so I put my hand on his chest, stopping him and Thomas looked down at me with his messy wet hair "This isn't the right time" I said while caressing his cheek.

Thomas kissed me once again before pulling away, I sit up and watched Thomas caressing my hand "You don't know how happy that you accept me, will you wait for me 'til I completely change?" He asks while holding my cheek, I smiled at him softly "I will wait for you" I said and Thomas pressed his forehead against mine while closing his eyes.

"I love you" He whispered, holding his cheek back and whispered "I love you, too" not knowing it means the world to him and he's not gonna stop loving me til the end. This is it, I made him trust me. Next plan Find Anne and Carl then escape from here.

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