Chapter 19

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Evelyn's Pov

As I was waiting for Thomas to come back, I was so nervous. What if I failed to change him? What if when I failed, he started to continue what he'll do to me.

I'm doubting if he'll change or not, I jumped as the door bursted opened by Thomas. My heart is beating so fast and I dont know what to say first! Thomas made sure as he locked the door, I gulped "No one will disturb us now" now I'm panicking.

Thomas slowly removed the ropes of my hands, I sat up slowly and caressed my wrist "Thomas" I called him, Thomas then looked at me with his dark eyes. How am I able to change him? His eyes are already full of lust!

Calm down, calm down "I- before you do that adult love with me, C-can you give us a chance just 1 month?" I asks and Thomas slammed his hand on the bed beside me, I jumped in surprised "I dont want to wait, Evelyn! Do you know how much I want to claim you right now? You dont know that!" Thomas said.

I shook my head and held his hand to calm him down "Thomas please, Just give us 1 month and after that. I wont escape, I wont stop you from doing what you want" I said, controlling my tears. Why am I saying this? What if I fail to change him then will he forced me like he wants to.

Thomas think for a while, as he looked at me with those dark eyes. I dont want him to lose control so I looked down quickly and just wait for his answer "Look at me in the eyes, Evelyn" He said with his deep voice, I gulped and looked up to him.

Thomas then nodded "A deal is a deal, if you break it. I'll torture your friends first and slowly killing them" he said, I gulped again and nodded quickly "Yes, Yes I promise I wont break it. I wont escape from you after a month nor stop you" I said while closing my eyes, I cant believe I'm doing this. Thomas looked satisfied then he got up from the bed.

Looking up to him as he took my hand, making me stand up "Cover your chest or I'll stop the deal and claim you right in this spot" He said huskily, I shiver and tried to ignore the feeling. Quickly covering my revealed chest that he ripped hours ago.

I looked down while Thomas took me downstairs "We have exploring to do, I want you to familiarize every halls and floors in this Castle since you are my Queen and my people's Queen" Thomas said while kissing my cheek, I was about to turn away in disgust but I remember. I have to be kind and loving first.

He led me to the dining room first, looking around and some maid didn't look infront, making her tripped down on the door and the soup spilled across the floor, I rushed and helped her up, she was shock when I did that, Thomas turned around and pointed at the maid angrily "Clean this mess!" Other maids cleaned the floor when i was about to help them, I suddenly got pulled up on the floor "Stop helping and let them do the job!" He said to me.

I couldn't help but talk back "She is hurt, her hand touched the hot soup!" I said, Thomas was about to talk back when he give up "Walk away, maddie" He said, the maid bows down and left the room quickly. Now it's Thomas and I left in the room while I keep glaring up to him.

Thomas stepped closer to me, I move back away from him "You couldn't keep your mouth shut, do you want something to shut it? May I suggest my lips on yours?" He asks while looking down at me and his face closer to mine, I look away nervously "who would want that to happen?" I asks back.

Thomas smirked then chuckled "Everyone wants to touch me but I allow not girls to touch me even my skin. And now when I want to touch you, you wouldn't want that. Why are you so different?" Thomas asked while leaning closer to my face, our nose almost touching and I can feel his hot breath on my skin.

I looked away as I feel my cheeks getting hot, I snapped out and pushed him away, making him jump in surprise "Y-you! Do you have to be so close to talk?!" I asks while getting my body ready to attack. Thomas again showed his smirk "Oh? Evelyn, Are you shy? Don't worry, after 1 month we can even go to the tub to bath while talking so close like this" He said while coming closer to my face again with his smirk.

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