Chapter 9

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Evelyn's Pov

It's 4 in the afternoon and here we are getting ready for the ball that was changed a Masquerade ball, about Thomas. I started to forget about him and I have this feeling that he'll never come and see me again with those crazy movements he did to me.

Anne asked why am I going to the ball because all people are invited there and for sure Thomas is there too, but I'm glad this ball changed into masquerade ball. Thomas wont recognize me and we need to go to the ball to eat plenty of foreign food we've never tasted before.

Opening the book that I just grabbed in the Library where I kissed Thomas in the cheek. I smiled at the memories in my mind but I thought he was being a good friend yet actually he is crazy or should I add in love.

I sighed, reading the Title 'The blue sky' I began reading it, but oh its a poem! 'The blue sky is calling to me, asking me to join the clouds. Rising above the earth. I will soar to new heights and find freedom in the wind'

My moments were interrupted by Anne who was knocking on the door carefully "Evelyn? You have to get ready now, I prepared you a dress and a mask. For sure Carl here will find a suitable bride" Anne said, I smiled.

Looking down, feeling bad for Carl "I'll be ready in a minute, I dont want us to be so early" I said while sighing and looking down to the book again "oh well well well, isn't that the book you borrowed from Thomas?" She asks.

Biting my bottom lip slightly and nodded while looking at her, Anne snapped her finger "You love him!" She said, I frown and shake my head "He is my friend and I only love him that way" I said honestly.

Anne crossed her both arms "Even though that Man was acting crazy, why would you prevent him from falling in love with you?" She asks, I look up to Anne and replied "I do not, he can love me but he's quickly asking me for marriage and he was possessive! If you were in my place, what would you do then?" I asks.

Anne looked up and think "Isn't it so dreamy for a man to be possessive and crazily in love with you?" I look at her in shock of her answer "oh, Anne really you're unbelievable".

She chuckled while shooking her head "for you, but for me It is dreamy for a Man to be crazily in love with you and also being possessive" Anne said while looking at the distant. I look at her with a frown "It's a dangerous love, Anne and who knows what else that man is doing right now" I said, thinking.

Thomas Pov

I was drinking my wine peacefully while looking at the window of the balcony, thinking of my lover "Sire" I turned my head to look at the guard and commander Jack beside him "We cant finish all the commands you've given to us for the ball is this night" The guard says.

Dropping the glass, making the wine spreading the floor dirty "Are you interrupting me for that?" I asks and The guard looked down "I-i mean we should held the ball tomorrow night, not this nigh-" I cutted him off by grabbing his hair and making him look at the top while my sword pressed against his neck.

"And who are you to tell me that? I need the ball ready tonight, I want to claim my bride this night!" I raised my voice, looking at commander Jack who move back away while I kept my sword pressed against the guard's neck "Forgive me your majesty!" The guard shouted in fear.

I smirked and laughing like a maniac, whispering against his ear "Then may God forgive you" I paused and continued "when you die" then I sliced his neck, making his body collapsed.

After that, I signalled Commander Jack for a napkin and he quickly give me one, I wipe the blood on my sword with it and looked up to him "Are you afraid of Death, commander Jack?" I asks and he replied quickly with no emotion "I do not, Your Majesty".

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