Chapter 48

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Evelyn's Pov

Walking the halls while holding a tray of food for Nikolai with a smile on my face, He is just broken inside. I promised him to help him find his true love and I'd be very happy to help, I continued to walk while on my thoughts when the guards was running the halls and walked inside Nikolai's room, it looks like urgent.

I held the tray tightly and walked to Nikolai's room, peeking slightly inside to see guards bowing down "Your Majesty, King of Ellesmere is already out of the kingdom with his armies. We must be ready!" He said quickly while breathing heavily from running, I gasped and held my chest feeling it beating so fast. Thomas is coming here, no he can't hurt Nikolai.

Nikolai quickly stood up from the bed and prepared his armor, I held the tray and ran inside the room before placing it on the night stand "Nikolai wait, you are sick. You need to rest" I said while placing my hand over his forehead and he move away "I don't care, I need to win this war" He said while still belting his armor, I shook my head "No, you don't have to win" I replied.

Making Nikolai to look back at me "You just said that because Thomas is your husband" He said before walking to the door to leave, I held him back "It's not like that! I don't want war either, I also dont want Thomas or you to win. I just want peace of both of your kingdoms" I said while looking at him pleadingly.

Nikolai just watched me before trying to leave again but I kept holding him back tightly "Nikolai no, I can tell Thomas to stop this war!" I said quickly, Nikolai looked down at me "Evelyn, I am not that kind of prince to stop this war like this" He answered, I shook my head "You are not the one who wants to stop the war, I want to. But you have to trust me please" I said pleadingly.

He looked down at me for a while before looking up one of his guards "Take her back to the Kingdom of Ellesmere and make sure she's safe" Nikolai said, I feel my eyes getting watery before I jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly "Thank you, Nikolai! I promise, I will come back and I will make sure he wont hurt you" I said and Nikolai hugged me back.

"You don't have to do this, no one has ever cared for me before but only you. I want you to be safe, go now" He said, I nodded as Nikolai wiped my tears away "Go" He said, I turned around and walked out of the room but stopped to look at Nikolai lastly, giving him a soft smile and he smiled back at me and I turned around before leaving completely out of the room.

Walking down the halls quickly, many guards are roaming around the halls as they get ready their bows, swords and complete armory while 2 guards guide me outside secretly to make sure I get back to the kingdom safely. Sitting down inside the carriage as it quickly starts to move forward while I feel more worried, what if I arrive too late?

Thomas Pov

We are now in the middle of the land of Trevskoz, Because I am too impatient to have Evelyn in my arms again. I am now starting the war now and my armies kept walking straightly to the Kingdom of Mithorine, how dare those bastards take her away from me.

I clenched my fist "Walk faster!" I yelled for everyone and they start to walk quickly with me, dragging cannons and arrows with their fireball. Let's see how Nikolai likes it to see his kingdom taken away, We are almost there and in fact I can already see the gates from afar.

My mens kept walking quickly, wanting to reach the gates to fight for their Queen. "Mens, Were almost there. Keep it up!" I yelled for Everyone to hear. "Your Majesty!" Someone yelled from behind, I turned around to look at the messenger letter "Your Majesty!" He called again, I stopped walking "What is it, Kris?" I asked coldly.

Kris pants heavily after running a miles to reach here "Your Majesty, Queen Evelyn has arrived the Kingdom!" He shouted, I widened my eyes and pointed my sword at his throat "Tell lies and I won't hesitate to slit your throat" I said coldly, Kris shivered and shook his head quickly "No! Your Majesty, I am telling the truth! She is waiting there and in fact she told me to see you" He said quickly, afraid of his life.

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