Chapter 5

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Evelyn's Pov

Laying down while reading the book, I then felt sleepy so I closed my eyes and rests the book on my chest. I heard someone says "I like watching you sleep, It's kind of fascinating to me".

I then opened my eyes and kick my feet in the air as I stood up quickly "ow!" I looked at the man and it was Thomas! "Oh, go- im so sorry! I-i was surprised, I thought your a bad guy" I said and my hand trying to touch his jaw.

But he caresses his jaw that I kicked and leaves a smirk in his lips, why does he have to keep smirking? "Do you want me to be the bad guy for you then?" He asks and I widened my eyes, looking away from him "What are you doing here? I asks, ignoring his question.

Thomas then places his hand on his pockets "I came to see you" he said while trying to find my eyes, I kept looking down "And what do you need?" I asks again and he chuckles "Nothing, I just want to see you again" he said.

I hummed in response while looking down, Thomas look down to my book and grab it "H-hey give it back" I said and he smiled to me "calm down, I just want to see what you're reading" he said and saw the cover title 'The Conqueror'

Thomas looked to me before looking down at the book and opening it "I never like reading romance book but they entertain me when I'm bored, can you tell me what's it about?" He asks while sitting down and signals me sit beside him and I did.

Sitting down beside him while he opened the book and admires the written words "well, it's about a master of the house who fell in love with his maid but his parents forbid them so they both ran away together and got married then had 5 kids" I said while smiling.

Thomas looked at me for a while "You finished reading?" I nodded with a smile "then why are you still reading it?" He asks. "It was the only book I have" I said while looking down "I also read books but some of them left uncomplete to read" he said and I looked up to him in shock "like what?"

Thomas then stood up and told me to stay, minutes passed I waited for Thomas to come back and then I saw him running towards me with 5 books, I widened my eyes and a wide smile formed in my lips "Thomas where did you get all of this!" I asks loudly out of excitement.

He placed the books on the chair and looked at me with a smile "I have more at home, but I brought this 5 books because they are all my favorite" Thomas said. I smiled widely and hug him tightly "oh, thank you thank you!" I said.

Thomas smiled and pats my back, pulling away from the hug as he gave me one of the books. I read the title "The enchanted forest, Love of the King, The witch of the night, Dark dungeon and the wicked sorcerer" I said, Thomas then point his finger at the 'Dark dungeon' . "Read this first, I never liked romance but I actually read some of them" he said.

I smiled and took the 'Dark dungeon' book. Looking up to him and smiled warmly "Thank you so much, Thomas" I said and he smiled "My pleasure, now shall we start reading it together?" He asks and I nodded quickly excitedly.

King William's Pov

I was silently eating when Commander Jack came "Your majesty, I never found Prince Thomas anywhere the Palace". I groaned "where is that kid!" . "But sire, I found him hours ago walking around the village" he said and I was about to argue when I remember him telling me about that woman he met in the forest, she probably live in the village.

Drinking my wine, why would my son take an interest with a commoner? "Leave him and wait for him to arrive back here, I need to talk to him" I said and Commander Jack nodded "Yes, sire" he said while bowing then left the dining room.

Evelyn's Pov

We both read the book, I smiled and frown "what happened to the girl?" I asks and Thomas stopped reading to look at me "Were not in that chapter yet" he said while laughing slightly. I chuckled "But you already knew the story" I said and Thomas laugh more "I dont want to tell you, you haven't read to the other part of the story before the reason why the girl got lost" He said.

I hummed in response "well, go ahead" I said then Thomas cleared his throat before continuing to read the book "Then Albert furiously punches Jared in the face, knocking him out" I gasp, making Thomas chuckle and continues to read while I listen.

Hours after, he finally finished reading. I was looking down "T-that was a happy ending but it also made me cry that the book has ended" I said then Thomas wraps his arms beside me "Then I was about to say that there is actually a book 2" Thomas said, I widened my eyes.

"Are you sure?!" I asks with my eyes shock, Thomas laugh and nodded his head "Yeah, yes!" He said and I jumped around then pull Thomas up with me, dancing around and he kept laughing "I cant believe theres book 2! I want to see how many child they have, they just ended say he got her pregnant and then the end? Thats totally unfair!" I said while Thomas on the other side laughing at me.

"At first I was so disappointed too that they just ended that simple word he got her pregnant then the end but when I found out that there's book 2, I was so happy" Thomas said, I smiled and nodded "Yes! So when are we reading the book 2?" I asks and he think for a while. "Maybe tomorrow, same spot" I nodded, smiling and hugging him "Thank you so much, Thomas" i said while closing my eyes, hugging him.

I felt him smiling against my shoulder and hugging me back "I'll bring many books as you want but we shall read the book 2 of the dark dungeon" I nodded "I promise, I'll focus to read the dark dungeon 2 before I open another book to read!" I said with a smile.

Thomas chuckled and nodded "alright then, it's getting late. I should probably go home now" He said, I nod "No problem, Bye" He smiled and pats my head "Farewell" before leaving.

I walk inside the house while the book 'the dungeon' pressed against my chest. Anne cleared her throat and I jump slightly "oh, your back. I saw you getting along with that assassin you just called yesterday" she said while crossing her arms, I laugh "Anne, we just misunderstood that he was an Assassin spy, but he's actually a Knight" I said.

Anne chuckled and nodded "I can see how he's interested in you" she said while smirking and I was blushing, denying it "what, no! Impossible. We were just friends who love books" I said and Anne nodded "alright". I went inside my room.

Thomas interested in me? No, i think not. He was just friendly, kind and funny and I cant just say that means he's interested in me. Is he though? Well, I dont think so..

Thomas Pov

Walking back to the Castle with a wide smile on my face "oh, your highness you came back!" Commander Jack said and I nodded, still walking inside and through the halls with a smile on my lips. "You seem in a good mood, sire".

I walked inside the Library and placing the other 4 books, I already gave the 'dark dungeon' book to Evelyn and I cannot wait for tomorrow to spend more time with her "oh, surely I am. I just had the happiest day ever" I said with a wide smile.

"Well, what happened sire?" He asks and I kept a smile on my face "Evelyn, she's been in my mind yesterday night and she's driving me crazy" I said while still smiling like a madman.

Jack look at me in shock "sire, i've never seen you like this" he said and I chuckle, looking down and licking my lip slightly "I've met alot of women but this one is really different" I said. "Oh, what are you going to do with this woman, sire?" He asks. I look at the distant wall with a slight smirk.

"I'm going to marry her"

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