Chapter 26

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Evelyn's Pov

I was sitting on my bed while reading the book when I suddenly remembered just an hour after that eye contact with Thomas and how I quickly push him off while running back upstairs and here am I now, keeping remember it.

Looking down to the book as I focused reading, I automatically blushed again as I remember Thomas eyes meeting mines. "Stop!" I yelled for my mind, when suddenly the door opened by Maya "Are you okay, Evelyn?" She asks worriedly.

I quickly dropped my book and smiled normally at her while nodding my head "I'm fine, totally fine" I said, Maya pressed her lips together and closed the door behind her while getting inside with a tray in her hand "I'm glad i was the one to serve your food, I also need to talk to you" Maya said.

Nodding my head, taking one of the chips as I munched them down "What is it?" I asked, Maya bit her lip before looking around and sat beside me "I know who murdered the head maid" She said whispering close to me.

I furrowed, I feel shivering at the thought of the head maid's body found headless in the back of the Palace. Looking at Maya and held her hand "Maya, who did it?" I asked seriously, really wanting to know who do these kind of cruel things.

When Maya was about to speak the door opened by Thomas, making her stop speaking. I let go of her hand and Thomas looked at Maya first with his deadly eyes. "Here, next time you have to know how to fix this mess" Maya said while acting to fix the bedsheet.

I go in with the flow, smiling at her "I know it already, it's just a big bedsheet for me" I replied while nodding my head, Thomas began walking towards us "Something's wrong, Evelyn?" He asked while he still looking at Maya.

Nodding my head quickly before turning my eyes to Maya who was a bit shaking, I don't want her end up like Jessica and I won't let it happen again. Smiling at Thomas "Everything is fine, just girls problem" I said, Thomas nodded before turning his eyes on me which are glare turned to soft eyes.

"We have something else to do, come with me" He said, I nodded before turning my head to Maya "Can you be the one to fix the whole problem?" I asked her while still feeling worried if Thomas noticed I was lying.

Maya nodded before looking to the ground "Yes, Your majesty and maybe next time you'll watch me how to do it" She said, when I was about to reply. Thomas answered quickly "No, she don't need it. You as the servants and maids are responsible for cleaning and doing every problem of the bedsheets or whatever your talking about" He said.

I quickly held his arms "Thomas, I also want to know. Leave her alone" I said, feeling worried if Thomas noticed me getting nervous or not. "Fine, next time. Don't talk to your Queen" He said while taking my hand, Maya pressed her lips together before bowing down "Yes, Your Majesties" She said while thomas dragged me out of the room.

While I keep following him "What is about that bedsheet problem? I can send someone to change it" Thomas said, I shake my head "No, it's just-" I paused myself, what should I say. Thomas turned his gaze on me "Just what?" He asked while watching my expression carefully.

I looked down, trying to act sad "It's just frogs jump in my bed and I don't know how to get rid of it so I called someone to help me rid of it" I said, I closed my eyes. Why did I say that? Thomas chuckled while we continue to walk down the halls "You're afraid of frogs?" He asked.

I widened my eyes as I try to keep my face shock "No!" I said quickly, I'm not afraid of frogs but when it comes near that's when I get scared. They're feet that jumps scares me alot and their green back. Thomas laughed at me, I glare at him "Don't act so strong! I know you are also scared of something" I said.

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