Chapter 3

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Evelyn's Pov

I took a bowl of soup and hold it steady, bringing it inside my room where the assassin man was resting. Lucky you still alive by now cuz if someone has sword and added by stealing fruits, he'll not beheaded infront of the crowd. But infront of the royal highnesses with all the people watching.

That's why people here are being careful not to be accused as witch or thief or any crime that is more than 3. People these days if they saw a beautiful woman, they consider it as witch.

I feel pity and sad for those innocent people who were being accused when they were actually not witches. I placed the bowl on the table beside the bed, I didnt saw this man's face clearly. Let me take a look.

I slowly remove the cloak from his head that covered his face, I gasped at how ethereal he is. Then after seconds of staring at him I quickly covered his face with the cloak again "beautiful-ugly assassin spy" I said as I stood up from the chair.

Well, what shall I say? He was beautiful outside but inside he was assassin so, we'll just say half beauty and half ugly. Or should I just say pure beauty in the outside but in the inside also pure ugly, so are you satisfied now, Eve?

I nodded as I answered the question myself, I stood up and was about to leave when I heard him mumble something "mother, mother". I turned around to look at him.

Beautiful won and ugly lose, he cares for his mother. this assassin spy cares, I sit back down on the chair and caressed his soft hair "what are you using to make your hair this soft?" I ask to myself, "coconut" then his eyes were opened revealing his green eyes.

I stood up quickly and grabbed a hairbrush for defence "you scared me, sir!" I said and he frowned "no, you scared me. You were staring at me for minutes while I was asleep" He said, I looked away then glare at him "do you even have evidence?" I asked

He replied "my ears are the evidence" . "No, I mean-" My words were cutted off as Anne entered the room "I was the evidence, staring at him for so long?" Anne asked me, I glare at her. Making her chuckle.

After chuckling, she then turned her face into a death glare while looking at the man and pointing his sword towards him "tell us who you are and I'll let you go" Anne said. The man just chuckle "ladies, do you really need to steal my sword? It also says that you are to be hang if you steal" he replied while chuckling.

I tilted my head and grab the sword out of Anne's grip, pointing the tip of it on his throat "its called self defense" I said and he laugh more "I didn't even do anything to you" . I looked down then glared at him "well, then future self defense!" I said.

The man walked closer to us slowly, Anne and I backed away "or what, what will you do?" He asks and I keep pointing the sword at him. "I will cut your head off!" I said, glaring at him.

Seconds after I said that, The sword on my grip was gone. The man pushed my arm away and catch the sword, pointing the tip of it on my throat "you'll what?" He asks while smirking slightly as he saw our reaction.

I widened my eyes, I had no choice but to. I stomped hardly on his shoes and making him stumble backwards, taking the sword from his hand and I was the one whos smirking "I said I'll cut your head off" I replied.

The man was too shock, Anne too. Then slowly the man's lips turns into smirk as he whisper for me to hear "interesting woman" . I move back away from him and lowering the sword down "now, If you want to leave then tell us the truth what have you been doing in the forest if you were not the thief" I said while crossing my arms.

He chuckled and he was about to reply when I cutted him off "will you stop chuckling? You're not a chicken" I said, making him laugh loudly "It's because you were so interesting" He said. I ignore him and asks him again "What were you doing in the forest?".

He looked down for a moment before looking up to me "To you, what do you think Knights do every day, every night and every hour in the middle of the forest?" He asks, making me think for a while. "Guide the land/forest, not allowing someone to enter the kingdom of Ellesmere without the King's permission" I answered honestly.

He nodded, looking at me "what if I tell you that I am a knight of the woods?" . I move back "Impossible, y-you were stealing fruits. I saw it with the same outfit that thief wore" I said and he shook his head "Isn't it a coincidence, was it?" He asks while leaving a chuckle from his lips.

I slowly looked down "well if your really a Knight then do you saw where that thief went?" I asks and he nodded with a smirk "I heard someone yell thief, I saw him and was about to run towards him but you stopped me" he said and I was embarrassed.

"Oh, well. I guess I believe you. You and your sword flying out of other's grip." I said with a laugh, "hm. Then I guess I successfully prove you the truth, now can I get my sword back please?" He asks and I nodded, handing him his sword.

"Um, I am really sorry for mistaking you as the Thief. Sir but im glad that I met a knight for the first time" I said with a smile, showing my hand for a shake "Evelyn" I said. He shook his hands with me "Thomas".

I heard a cleared throat, Anne was looking both of us and I just realized she was just here for the whole time! "Atleast you know the truth, Anne. Now here Sir Thomas shall be headed back home" I said while leading him out of the house.

Walking outside the house with Thomas, I looked up to him and I was over his shoulder. "Stop comparing yourself to me, your an average woman" Thomas said without looking at me, oh he truly really is a Knight.

I nodded quickly "I apologize really for mistaking you as the thief, I cant even replay it again in my mind. Im so embarrassed" I said, making him laugh. "No, dont worry. I have to go now." He said.

Then he said softly while looking at me "I hope to see you again, Miss Eve" Thomas said while kissing my hand, I smiled "And are you" I replied, making him smile back. He turned around and slowly leaves completely out of my sight.

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