Chapter 41

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Evelyn's Pov

Tomorrow is the first day of another month and I cannot accept him doing couples do while we are fighting, I need to peace with him. I sighed while Picking dresses for the ball tonight, I'm excited to greet Nikolai's birthday, I also prepared him a small gift that I made in my own and About Thomas, I don't know where he has this temper from all of a sudden he dont like me near anyone so I dressed up myself.

It's fine, I'm not some doll to dress up with and I feel even more comfortable to dress up myself, it's Thomas who wants me to dress up by a servant. Where's his 'i wont let anyone touch you' now? Unbelievable man.

After dressing up, I looked myself in the mirror and smiled myself. A knock on the door interrupted my alone moment "Enter" the door opened revealing a smiling Anne, what's with her too? Last time I saw her panicking of Carl treating her wound, now smiling like a madwoman.

"You look so beautiful" She said while smiling nonstop, I turned around and crossed my arms "It's about Carl, isn't it?" I asked, Anne widened her eyes and quickly shook her head "oh, no. I am just complimenting you" She said while still smiling, I flicked her forehead "Don't lie! You are smiling nonstop, look look" I said while holding her chin to the side, letting her show herself in the mirror.

Anne looked down while smiling "Fine, he was so close to me yesterday and I almost fainted!" She said, I chuckled "You're acting to be frightened, huh?" I smirked, Anne widened her eyes and quickly changed the topic "Let's fix your dress, Thomas is probably waiting downstairs" She said while holding my dress.

I look myself in the mirror "don't mind him" I replied, Anne furrowed her brows "Are you both fighting?" She asked curiously, I shook my head "No no" I denied, Anne pouted "I know how you lie, idiot" She said and I bursted out in laughter "Just ignore it!" I said while looking away.

After a few minutes, hugging Anne and Carl lastly before walking downstairs to see Thomas waiting, I looked at him in shock. He looks so gentleman with the shiny shoes and the traditional king's clothes suits him so well! Thomas turned around as he heard my footsteps from behind, I swear I saw his jaw dropped as soon as he saw me but quickly closed his mouth and looked at me coldly.

I chuckled at his sudden change expression, stopping infront of him "You look handsome" I said with a smile, Thomas looked down with his hands behind him "You look dashing as well" He said, I smiled more and giggled. Thomas looked up "Shall we?" I nodded and took his hand as we walk outside then inside the carriage.

"To the Kingdom of Mithorine" He said before the coachman nodded and the carriage starts to move, I looked out from the carriage window to see a beautiful sunset, it's almost night. I held the box tightly in my hand and Thomas noticed it "What is that?" He asked while looking down the box in my hand.

I looked up to him and replied "Nikolai's gift" I said, Thomas sighed and looked away. Oh? He should be happy because i'm a friend with his birthday friend too, why need to be jealous? I shake my head and continued to watch the beautiful view.

Minutes later, we arrived at the Mithorine Kingdom and it's even beautiful in the night! The lights impressed me, I gasped in amazed. Thomas opened the door for me and I smiled at him "Thank you" I said and Thomas held my hand as we walked inside the Palace.

Now, it's even more beautiful inside! My eyes looking around in amaze while my jaw drop, the chandelier in the night is too beautiful to look at. Thomas secretly smiled at me "A fly might enter your mouth" He whispered to my ear, I quickly pulled away and straightened my lips "I cant stop looking at this beautiful place" I said while looking around with an amazed smiled.

Thomas chuckled and held my hand tightly to make sure I wont get away his arms, many people talking to each other while chuckling. The little music stops and a duke steps infront with a loud voice "Today we are here because our Prince's Birthday! We celebrate it with a happy and joyful heart, Let the ball begin!" After he said that, another music starts to play.

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