Chapter 10

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Evelyn's Pov

Widening my eyes as I saw Thomas smirking at my reaction "Y-you-" Thomas shushed me by placing his finger on my lips "I am the Prince of Ellesmere and the Future king, and I will claim my bride tonight" I widened my eyes.

"You're crazy, Thomas what are you even doing?" I asked unbelievably as I look at him, Thomas chuckled darkly and caressed my chin but I slap his hand away "I'm just doing what I want, and I want you. You must know that whatever I want I will have it by hook or by crook" Thomas said.

I move away from him, he's a madman! "You are crazy! Stay away from me and my friends, I do not love you as much as you do" that's when Thomas pushed me roughly against the wall, I gasped and closed my eyes tightly while my head tilted to the side "I dont care, my love for you is endlessly and accept it or not but we will get married in the next 3 days" Thomas said while kissing my neck, I tried moving away in disgust but then he grabbed me back.

"Oh, I wont touch you yet. Get ready for the next 3 days for I will have you" He said and grabbed my wrist before pulling me outside the hall, I widened my eyes and shook my head "Let me go, you monster!" I shouted as Thomas kept dragging me.

We reached to the balcony of the wide ballroom and people dancing around, Thomas then pulled me beside him and I struggled to release from his grip "dont move or you wont like what I will do to your friends" I stayed silent and tears falling into my eyes.

"People of Ellesmere! It is I, your soon to be King of this Kingdom!" Thomas shouted for everyone to hear and everybody looks up to us, I heard someone says "oh, gosh that is him? He is so handsome!" . "Who is that woman beside him?" . "A whore I think".

I looked away, not wanting to be face infront of the crowd "now listen, this woman right here is going to be your Queen!" When Thomas said that, girls around starts whispering bad about me.

I whispered under my breath "Stop this, Thomas please!" I said and he ignored me as he kept holding me tightly, Thomas heard girls talking bad about me. I gasped at the tight grip he has on my arm "Go home or there will be consequences!" I can tell by the rough voice of Thomas, he is controlling his anger.

I looked at Carl and Anne who looked shock to see me up here, I signalled them to leave but they did not. Looking around to the people as they did not listen to what Thomas said as they kept standing up and looking at each other and some others quickly left the Castle as the people who left the Castle already knew of Thomas's limit of anger.

Thomas then signalled some of his mens, I frowned and looked at the crowd to see one of his mens draw their swords and thrusts the blade into a random man's chest as he groaned in pain and everyone looked at him and screamed in fear, right then people ran towards the exit but Thomas signalled to lock the doors from outside and people freaked out "kill the ones who stayed"

I widened my eyes, I released from the grip of Thomas and quickly ran downstairs "Evelyn!" I gasped, quickly looked for Carl and Anne "Anne, Carl!" I shouted loudly but theres no use, people screaming and tried to open the door, the guards slowly killing half of the people!

Right then I saw Anne crying while Carl hugging him, I run towards them "Anne!" Anne looked at me and gasped "Evelyn! What happened!" I shook my head and hold her head "Thomas is getting crazy and we have to get out of here!" I said quickly.

Carl then pulled Anne up, we look around and people running around scaredly, I quickly run towards the big door as I opened it, we quickly ran together quickly. Carl was scared for our lives while I was so scared what Thomas would do to my friends, I know Thomas wont hurt me.

Cries, blade sounds, blood, body falls to the ground sound terrified me as I still heard it even we ran afar from the ballroom. I looked around to see no exits but continually halls and doors but no exit! Anne freaked out more "Were going to die." She said.

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