Chapter 11

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Evelyn's Pov

Thomas grabbed me upstairs to his chambers, I didnt fight back because I had no choice but to do what he says or else he'll kill Carl and Anne who was about to leave this Kingdom together.

I promised them that I will escape and I mean it, yet I dont know what to do first. I gasped as Thomas pushed me gently to the bed who was so soft and huge. I heard a click lock so I turned around but I was pushed back down on the bed as Thomas above me.

Thomas smirked and caresses my cheek "My love, My evelyn oh, how I always dream about this position with you every night I sleep and now It's really happening" he said as he burry his face into my neck, smelling my scent "you smell like a rose" he's crazy.

I shivered and move him away as I sit up straightly "You said you wont touch me" I said, feeling so scared and Thomas chuckled while looking down "Yes, but I dont know if im able to control myself with you in my arms already" He said, I gulped down.

Looking up to him and replied "Thomas, do you really love me?" I asks unsurely of his movements to me, he hummed in response as he caressed my hair "Obviously, love" Thomas said and I looked at him "This isn't love, This is obsession!" I said, Thomas growled and pushed me down again as he hovered above me.

I widened my eyes at his movement, is he even a human or a animal? "What makes you say that, I loved you since the first time I saw you, I keep thinking of you and one night I dream about you in my arms in this bed you are on." Thomas said, I looked up to him and tries to push him off me but he kept me down.

Shooking my head, tears in my eyes as I remember the people's scream "But you killed the people who was not even hurting you!" I said angrily, Thomas chuckled "That's not a big deal to me, love. I kill people who disrespects me or the love of my life which is you" He said while caressing my cheek, I look at him in disgust. The same hand who killed people was now holding me, I punched his chest angrily with my fist.

"You murderer! I will never be your lover, You killed your own people, how could you!" I screamed angrily, Thomas had it enough of my punching as he quickly grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head "Never say that, because you already belong to me since I first laid my eyes on you" Thomas said as he kissed my neck, I widened my eyes and tried to pull him away.

Thomas grip my wrists tightly above my head, I tried moving away but failed. Tears starts falling from my eyes "Stop please, dont do this" I said softly as my eyes blurry from the tears, Thomas stopped and I saw his face was worried.

He caressed my cheek as I keep crying silently, thomas wiped my tears away and adding it with a kiss on my forehead "I'm sorry, love. You dont know how hurt I am when you said you'll never be my lover because that is false, You are mine forever" Thomas said as he kissed my whole face, except for my lips.

His moments got interrupted by a knock on the door, Thomas groaned "Come in!" He said while still kissing my whole face, my tears dried up as I look at the person who entered "Your Majesty, We cleaned the whole ballroom and we dump the bodies to the river" The man said, I automatically gasped of what I heard.

Thomas nodded and looked satisfied as he still kissing my cheek to my neck, I closed my eyes at the feeling it was so unknown "Good, now get out of our room" Thomas said and The man quickly said "You have mails from the other kingdom, Your majesty" The man said.

Thomas groaned again and whispered to my ear "I'm not done with you yet" he said as he stood up and fixed his tie before leaving the chamber with the guard, when the door was closed. I heard the click lock again, That's when I bursted out in Tears 'Anne, Carl leave now before this monster kills you'

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