Chapter 8

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Evelyn's Pov

Thomas and I are reading book, he love this book called "knight's lover" I thought he just made it up for teasing me "wait so they met in the forest? How is it love stories meet up in the forest" I said while scratching my neck.

Thomas laugh "I dont know either, but its beautiful. Imagine a knight saved you from danger in the middle of the forest" He replied, I chuckle and nodded "alright, continue" I said. "Why did you come and save me when you could've save the deer that got eaten by the lion?" Thomas said, reading the book.

I laughed loudly and so does Thomas "Im sure they're going to be an enemy first then they become a lover" I said, caressing my chin and making sure what kind of story is this. He nodded while laughing. "Blame the writer" I laugh more.

After reading the knight's lover, it was raining then Thomas held me up and ran towards the big tree as we sheltered there. "Bad luck! We almost got the book wet, it was so amazing!" I shouted for him to hear, the rain is too loud.

"I know!" He replied then the rain start to slow down, I opened the book and then I remembered "oh, thomas?" He nodded "Yeah?" . "Are you a friend of the Prince?" I asked and Thomas looked at me "hm.. yes" he replied.

I widened my eyes "what! Really, Oh um. Can you do me a favor? Tell the Prince that my friend Anne likes him already even she didnt met him yet" I said, making Thomas laugh.

"You're friend is really different" Thomas said while laughing, I chuckle "she dreamed of a Prince charming so I had to do everything for my friend!" I said and laughed. Thomas nodded and looked at me in the eyes "Do you dream of a Prince Charming too?" He asks.

looking up and think "Well, sometimes I dream of spending time with my own Prince but even if its not a Prince, it is fine to me as long we love each other" I said honestly and Thomas look surprised and kept looking at me.

I frowned and caressed my face "is there something dirty on my skin?" I asked and Thomas chuckled, shaking his head "no, there's not. I just wanted to look at the most beautiful woman" He replied, I look down and blush.

"Flattering me wont help us continue this conversation, Thomas" I said playfully and Thomas laugh, pinching my cheek "you just look so adorable when you blush" he replied. I cant help but to blush again. "Hey, stop that".

Thomas chuckled softly then his face turned to serious while looking into my eyes, I look back at him "I have something to tell you and it is going to change our whole life" He said. I nodded with a frown "what is it?" I asked.

Thomas then held my both hand with him, I look at him confusedly and he took a deep breath "Evelyn, my days have been turned out to be the happiest days ever because you were there spending time with me. You drive me crazy every night I dreamt of you sleeping beside me. I love you and I want to marry you" he said, made me shock.

He looked at my expression and then pull me a little closer to him as he noticed my face "What do you say, Evelyn?" He asks and I look down. Thomas looking for my eyes. "Evelyn"

I then look up to him slowly "Thomas, i-i'm so sorry but I like you as a brother" when I said that, thomas began to pull me more closer to him while I try to move away "don't say that, you love me too and I know it" he said while looking at me.

Shaking my head "Thomas please I like you as a brother or as a friend, I didn't think of us to get married like you do." I replied and Thomas expression changed into dark "Tell me why you dont love me as much as I do?" He asks, I noticed him trying to control himself.

I looked down, trying to pull away from him and making him pull me even more closer to him, leaving no space. I gasped and placed my palm on his chest "T-thomas what do you think you're doing? Let me go" I whispered as he held me tightly in his arms.

Thomas looked into my eyes and his eyes turned dark, I gasped "Do you think I'll let you go after confessing to you how much you drive me crazily in love with you?" He asks, I looked into his eyes and he grip me tightly "I-i didn't expect for you to love me" I said.

He then caressed my face and burry his face into my neck, making him inhale my hair, I gasped at his movement "you smell so good" after Thomas said that, I then began to think that this man is not normal. "Thomas let me go, we have to talk something" I said.

Thomas shake his head and inhaling my scent again "Tell me now" i quickly tell him "I-i'll accept you if you l-let me go!" I said, why am I stuttering. Thomas then pull his head back to look at me with a smirk "Gladly" He then pull away from me.

I move closer to him again, making him shock for me to do the first move. I blink my eyes twice and take a deep breath, leaning towards him then pushing him, making him fall down and I got this chance to run away faster and faster "Evelyn!!" I hear him shout behind me, I ignore him. I should've known he's crazy!

Opening the door quickly and walked inside, Anne and Carl look at me confusedly. I hug them tightly "Guys, we have to leave. Thomas is not a normal person" I said and they frowned.

"What do you mean not normal person, he's crazy?" Anne asks and I nodded quickly, still panting "Yes yes! H-he was inhaling my scent and said that I smell so good, i mean he's right but he's crazy!" I said. Carl looked at Anne "then we must leave for now" I nodded.

Packing foods, we just left all the things. Food is important for living "I'm done-" then we heard a loud knock "Evelyn! Come out there or I'll kick this door open!" Thomas yelled. I freak out and Anne hug me, whispering "We'll protect you, come on lets go out through the window" I nodded.

Carl firstly walk out from the window and slowly grabbing the basket, without noise. I quickly walk out next then Anne, we slowly run away from the house into the forest.

Once were far away from the village, we rests inside a small stone cave and put fire "I'm sorry guys, it's all my fault. I shouldn't bring you to this situation" I said while looking down, Carl held my hand "No, were family and if somethings happened, we are here for you" I smiled and nodded.

Anne then spoke "no, actually its all my fault. I knocked thomas first and we brought him to our home that made him to talk to you Evelyn and in the next days he kept visiting you" she said "wait what, you hit him?!" Carl said with wide eyes. "Yeah, because I thought he's a spy!" Anne shouted back.

I groaned, this two love birds are not going to end fighting. I placed my palm below my chin and looked at the sea "what did I do to make you act like crazy?" I ask in my mind to Thomas.

Thomas Pov

I entered the Palace and sat down on the chair, I slammed my hands on the table angrily while screaming in rage. Right then Commander Jack came quickly "Your Highness, something wrong?" He asks.

I breath heavily, trying to calm myself down but not working "Did you ready the ball for tomorrow?" I asks and He nodded "Yes, sir. I roamed around the village and they were all talking about the ball and what they will dress".

I gripped my hair tightly, closing my eyes then frown. Thinking. Evelyn and her friends are coming to the ball too because no one is exempted. I smirked and tilted my head while looking at Commander Jack "hmm, make this ball into masquerade ball" I said and He nodded "Yes, your highness" he then walk out of the room.

Drinking the wine and looking at the glass, seeing my reflection and Evelyn beside me. Ohh she is driving me crazy, I will never let her go after capturing my heart "I wont come to you but you'll be the one to come to me, my Queen".

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